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  1. #1

    Default Magnet Fishing In The Detroit River

    This isn't the best season for this activity but has anyone ever tried this?

    I've seen quite a few videos about this subject in other locations and they usually just find junk but there's always the possibility of finding some interesting or valuable historical artifact.

    This is the first time I've seen someone attach a video camera to the rope to see what's near the magnet. A light might help too. The water is surprisingly clear until the mud is disturbed. Grappling hooks are sometimes used to retrieve nonferrous objects. Gloves are necessary. A crowbar might help.

    Magnet Fishing in Downtown Detroit

    In today's video we're in Downtown Detroit on the riverfront magnet fishing. We also tried out some underwater shots with a go pro and found some unexpected items at the bottom of the Detroit River....

  2. #2


    Awesome video! I'm oddly fascinated at what lies beneath the Detroit River, so this was really cool to see. I'm surprised at how clear the water was in the video. I guess I just assumed the whole river was just muck. I'm assuming visibility changes in the water?

  3. #3


    I found that video quite fascinating. I think it would be great if there was a high tech survey done of the bottom of the river, and possibly a dredging/ clean out in some areas.

  4. #4


    Thank You to the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy!

    This is a special video thanking the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy for their generous surprise. They sent us this package as a thank you for our dedication to cleaning the river after seeing an article about us in a local paper.

  5. #5


    I did not know this was a thing, cool.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Satiricalivory View Post
    I did not know this was a thing, cool.
    Yeah, there are a lot of others making videos about the hobby. One of them is in Amsterdam so he has a chance of finding some really old artifacts. There's also a woman who goes mudlarking on the Thames. She finds a lot of antique clay pipes which were designed to be disposable and are preserved underwater.

    To be honest, some others get way too excited about finding junk. I suspect they're just trying to get clicks on their videos. Some might be planting things just to find something exciting on camera.

    One legitimate attraction is unraveling mysteries about the artifacts from piecing together clues of partial words, etc. Of course the internet helps a lot with that.

    It's kind of like Geocaching. It can be a casual outdoor activity with some exercise and a bit of cleaning up the environment.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Satiricalivory View Post
    I did not know this was a thing, cool.
    Yeah, cool videos ... looks like fun!!

  8. #8


    I've watched a few as well. Really interesting as you never know what you might pull up!

  9. #9


    I'm waiting for him to pull up an 18th century ships cannon...

  10. #10


    Cool way to spend time watching this fellas videos. I liked the one where he is pulling up the guns. I then was able to locate where he was at using his video and Google maps. The Rouge River. Foot of Dearborn at Jefferson.

  11. #11


    Until I can pull up a 1910 Elto or Evinrude that can be polished to like new, I'll wait.

    Name:  R756e229706208efbe7486722b6657c12.jpg
Views: 7020
Size:  61.9 KB

  12. #12


    Here's one from today:

    Big Finds in the Detroit River While Magnet Fishing Under the Bridge to Canada

    I would not want to be out there in these windy subfreezing temperatures!

    I like his putty knife idea but I've never seen anyone else use one. Are there more iron filings in the Detroit River than elsewhere?

  13. #13


    Love those videos! I'd love to go magnet fishing, but kind of tough finding water in the desert.................LOL!

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    Love those videos! I'd love to go magnet fishing, but kind of tough finding water in the desert.................LOL!

    You need one of those "divining rods", Ray. You can probably pick one up on Ebay.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; February-12-21 at 01:55 PM.

  15. #15


    ^ Gosh yes, eBay's the place. Along with that once-used bread maker/ juicers, and film-based cameras!
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-12-21 at 02:52 PM.

  16. #16


    Hey maybe they will find Hoffa in a 55 gallon barrel at the bottom of the river.

    I wonder how many 1920s bottles of whiskey are at the bottom,with the history of the two countries and cities there has to be a lot of interesting stuff down there.

  17. #17


    This is so great. Thank you for sharing this.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    I'm waiting for him to pull up an 18th century ships cannon...
    Of the three or so that are believed to still be in the river i would love to hook onto one.....although i know for a fact i am not strong enough to pull it up. it would still be an amazing find.

  19. #19


    Thanks for posting. One of the more interesting threads on this site.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    This isn't the best season for this activity but has anyone ever tried this?

    I've seen quite a few videos about this subject in other locations and they usually just find junk but there's always the possibility of finding some interesting or valuable historical artifact.

    This is the first time I've seen someone attach a video camera to the rope to see what's near the magnet. A light might help too. The water is surprisingly clear until the mud is disturbed. Grappling hooks are sometimes used to retrieve nonferrous objects. Gloves are necessary. A crowbar might help.

    Magnet Fishing in Downtown Detroit

    Unfortunately two weeks ago my camera for the underwater footage hit a large piece of ice and is now in the bottom of the river. looking to get a new used one so we can continue getting the underwater footage. thank you so much for watching and sharing our videos.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by MotorCityMagnetFishers View Post
    This is so great. Thank you for sharing this.
    Just the other day I was thinking: This guy's in Detroit. He already has an internet presence. How improbable would it be that he wouldn't find this thread. And here you are!

    Welcome to DetroitYES! You're probably the first member to have such a positive following even before joining.

    So that gunk you scrape off with the putty knife — Is it magnetic or is the mud here just that sticky?
    Last edited by Jimaz; February-19-21 at 07:13 PM.

  22. #22


    Damn, your videos are just great! Keep on splashing, and thank you so much for such fascinating finds!!!

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by MotorCityMagnetFishers View Post
    Unfortunately two weeks ago my camera for the underwater footage hit a large piece of ice and is now in the bottom of the river. looking to get a new used one so we can continue getting the underwater footage. thank you so much for watching and sharing our videos.
    I use this attached to a stainless steel cable,I do the same thing but up to 300’ in the ocean.


    They have a smaller version,a bit pricey but when you attach the cable to them you never lose it and you can tow it behind a boat if you want to go out further,saves a lot of time.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    Just the other day I was thinking: This guy's in Detroit. He already has an internet presence. How improbable would it be that he wouldn't find this thread. And here you are!

    Welcome to DetroitYES! You're probably the first member to have such a positive following even before joining.

    So that gunk you scrape off with the putty knife — Is it magnetic or is the mud here just that sticky?
    Some of it is Mud but the Majority of what sticks to the magnet is iron ore, slag, rust or Magnetite. We found this thread through Youtube analytics as recommending people to our youtube page. Thank you so much for taking interest in what we are doing. we have been following this thread for a while. finally yesterday we got approved to join.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    Damn, your videos are just great! Keep on splashing, and thank you so much for such fascinating finds!!!
    Thank you very much Ray. hopefully the river thaws soon. it has been a couple weeks since i have been out and would really like to get back to it. make sure if you ever see me you stop and say hi.

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