Quote Originally Posted by Shelby_ View Post
I addressed this issue here in the Trump thread, where it belongs. What Biden did or didn't do is irrelevant.
The elephant in the room continues to be the Obama/Biden administration having contributed to the overthrow of Ukraine's elected government. Biden's son getting placed on a Ukrainian Board for $86,000/year is just a sideshow. It wasn't just Ukraine. The Obama/Biden administration had a big hand in overthrowing Khaddafi in Libya; another executive ordered act of war. Obama/Biden unsuccessfully tried to overthrow Assad but failed even though, according to Joe Biden, ISIS was allowed some free reign to bring this about. All of this misplaced foreign policy resulted in hundreds of thousands of Arab deaths, the destruction of the Libyan, Ukrainian, and Syrian economies, and millions of refugees. Russia took the opportunity to set up military bases in Syria and took over Crimea in response. Not content with their swath of foreign policy disasters, coups, death and destruction, Democrats continue with their attempt to carry out a coup against our own elected president. If successful, I doubt that the after effects will be any better than that of other Democratic coups.