Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
I am not sure where you are getting your information from on Trump supporters but there are plenty of surveys out there that would disagree with you.
Hillary beat Trump among college educated whites by 17%, which is the largest margin in modern history. In contrast, Trump beat Hillary among whites with high school education or less by 40%, which is also the largest margin in modern history.

The parties have completely inverted. Hillary easily won Birmingham-Bloomfield, which is crazy, considering all the old, fuddy-duddy conservative country club types. In contrast, Trump overwhelmingly won the union strongholds in Macomb, which is even crazier considering he's at war with their employers and unions.

Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
When you actually research what is happing in the developed world when it comes to social programs,immigration and other things anti Trump supporters are constantly being vocal about you will find they are all pretty much in the same direction that he is.
This is [[obviously) wrong and irrelevant. Leaders like Merkel are quite popular and the opposite of Trump. Whether or not you think Germany, France, Japan, Australia all are eventually going to turn into Russian banana republics headed by racist, habitually lying lifelong grifters/reality show hosts is besides the point.

Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
Even more so they are all struggling with the common denominator of figuring out how to pay for it all.
No, the U.S. is the one "figuring out how to pay for it all". We just slashed taxes on corporations, which is exploding the deficit. And corporate investment and wages have dropped under Trump, since the tax cut was all put into stock buybacks [[ie making the CEOs even richer). And Trump insisted on an idiotic military buildup, further bankrupting our future.

In contrast, places like Sweden and Germany have record surpluses and stronger economic growth than the U.S.