Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #101


    Prep for demo/construction? Now that they have the legislation they needed they can get started. From what I read the only reason they gave the initial November/December start date was because they thought it would take that long to get things passed.

  2. #102


    Those are columns sticking out of the Hudson's site, not beams. Beam=horizontal. Column=vertical.

  3. #103


    It will be interesting, as they have indicated a December 1st start date for construction. As mentioned,I know they were waiting to see if the legislation got passed before picking a design option. Has Gov Snyder even signed the bill yet to make it official?

    Assuming it goes through, there are several logistical question I have. As I understand it, a certain number of sites will be eligible for the tax capture under this new legislation. That being said, there is no guarantee the Hudson site will be chosen.

    1- Do we even know when the first sites will be chosen, and how that selection process works?
    2- If the "selection" doesn't occur until after Dec 1, does that mean construction gets held up until Gilbert finds out if the Hudsons site is selected?
    3- Is Gilbert allowed to wait past Dec 1 to start construction, or does his site development agreement force him to begin construction by then?

  4. #104


    Adding to those questions, they have to demo that entire garage before anything goes up. So it will be awhile before we see anything climbing upward. I wonder why they are painting the beams though? Maybe for visibility when work begins?

  5. #105


    All of this is for additional parking on the top lol. I didn't see how the cars actually get on that part, but they painted parking spaces and cars are now on there. Womp womp.

    EDIT: Sorry, columns. I will never make such a heinous mistake again.

  6. #106


    When it comes to these grandiose projects, the initial estimates given are almost always too optimistic.

    So if Gilbert says no additional movement on this project will be made until December 2017, I'd be very surprised if we see any notable progress on this before 2019...

  7. #107


    awesome vid on what some of the public spaces are intended to be

    password: detroit

  8. #108


    Good find! It looks like that video was posted a year ago, so you can really see the change in programing and design from then and what we were shown in March. I am sure the outdoor spaces and interior spaces will remain the same but it looks like this concept was when Gilbert was going to make the structure mostly different museums whereas now it looks like it will be office.

  9. #109


    Quote Originally Posted by hybridy View Post
    awesome vid on what some of the public spaces are intended to be

    password: detroit
    Sweet. Looks like a hint to steal the NAIAS

  10. #110


    Wow! This place could be electric! I love seeing the UniQlo and Apple Store in the renderings. If they put this much effort into the programming of the space, this could be even bigger than what we all expected. Also, I love seeing the sleek tower with the backdrop of its surroundings. This is huge!

    Also, I would LOVE to see a taller residential tower built on the empty lot behind the Opera House. That would fill in that area nicely and be a great skyline transition from the new Hudson's tower and the proposed MLS development [[hopefully that comes to fruiton).
    Last edited by rbdetsport; May-22-17 at 09:22 AM.

  11. #111


    I'd love to see a mockup of what this will look like in the skyline. I'm sure there's someone with basic photoshop skills that can make this happen.

  12. #112


    I want to see one, too. I'm actually surprised that the Gilbert crew hasn't released a rendering like that.

    I'd also like to see what all the facades will look like. The old Hudson's building was beautiful and different on each side.

  13. #113


    Quote Originally Posted by MikeyinBrooklyn View Post
    I want to see one, too. I'm actually surprised that the Gilbert crew hasn't released a rendering like that.

    I'd also like to see what all the facades will look like. The old Hudson's building was beautiful and different on each side.
    They might have been holding off on releasing more particulars until his legislation passed? Only reason I can think of.

  14. #114


    I think the reason we haven't seen anything depicting it in the skyline is that they are still finalizing the tower facade. The facade in the video is quite different than the one released in renderings and even the renderings released in March have shown two different looks for the building. The programming of the public spaces and those designs definitely took precedent over the tower. I am sure the closer we get to groundbreaking we will see a whole new slew of animations and renderings that more accurately depict what we will be getting.

  15. #115


    Based on the height and the location and angles I don't think the new building would actually be visible in most of the traditional riverfront skyline shots. It would very strikingly terminate Gratiot though.

  16. #116


    Impressive. Gilbert thinks big. I really like that about him.

  17. #117


    Quote Originally Posted by Jason View Post
    Based on the height and the location and angles I don't think the new building would actually be visible in most of the traditional riverfront skyline shots. It would very strikingly terminate Gratiot though.
    Here are some approximations made with Google Earth and Sketchup. I did a 100x100 tower at 734', the base is roughly the same height as Compuware.

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  18. #118


    Nice work. That view from Comerica would be pretty cool! But as was said, unless you are coming down Jefferson/Michigan Ave/Gratiot, you won't get a fantastic view of the skyline. From Windsor you'd need to be way down by the bridge or across from Belle Isle to really get a good look. Either way that's some critical mass being added. I can't wait to see that streetwall closed up.

  19. #119


    Exactly what I was suggesting; great work Gsgeorge! This building is going to dominate the view from Comerica.

  20. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by mikeg19 View Post
    Nice work. That view from Comerica would be pretty cool! But as was said, unless you are coming down Jefferson/Michigan Ave/Gratiot, you won't get a fantastic view of the skyline. From Windsor you'd need to be way down by the bridge or across from Belle Isle to really get a good look. Either way that's some critical mass being added. I can't wait to see that streetwall closed up.
    Ah! I forgot some views over Jefferson/Riverwalk.

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    Bonus! It looks like drivers going southbound over the 8 mile / Woodward bridge will get a nice view lined up directly with Woodward.
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    Last edited by Gsgeorge; May-23-17 at 10:16 AM. Reason: 8mi/woodward addition

  21. #121


    Well done, GSGeorge! THANK YOU!

  22. #122


    Quote Originally Posted by Gsgeorge View Post
    Ah! I forgot some views over Jefferson/Riverwalk.
    Very impressive. Thank you,

  23. #123


    It's not too far off from Southen's version of what it would look like: https://www.detroityes.com/mb/showth...865#post520865

  24. #124


    If anyone has ever been into the Ren-Cen "Riverwalk part of the building, then most of you know that there isn't much retail in the area that's directly in front of the river.

    The view is great, but there's barely any stores there. Should this Gilbert build this building as the tallest building in Detroit, I hope he has a plan to make sure that there's good stores and restaurants.

  25. #125


    Quote Originally Posted by EGrant View Post
    I'd love to see a mockup of what this will look like in the skyline. I'm sure there's someone with basic photoshop skills that can make this happen.

    This is a modified image of a pic I posted earlier this year on the "it's too tall for downtown" thread.... I don't think that it's too tall... still won't dominate [[height wise) over the Ren Cen from the water side.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

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