There was a thread here in April 2009 about the Cloister Art Gallery of Monsignor E. J. Hickey, with recollections of him by "Lorax", "daddeeo", "detroitbob", and "Vitalis" [[maybe others). It was said his art collection began when soldiers returning from World War II in Europe would donate to St. Mary of Redford paintings they had taken from bombed buildings. His interest in art grew, and he would sell or trade items, and there was a large sale just before he died. He died in 1993.
I am guessing that his collection was what was meant by a reference I found in an art history book to the "St. Mary's Art Guild, Detroit." I am trying to track down an important painting that was reported to be there. I wonder if there are any photographs of Monsignor Hickey's gallery.
I am in Toronto, Canada. Polly Winsor