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  1. #1

    Default Focus Hope Layoffs

    Focus Hope will be permanently eliminating 120 jobs. 110 General Assemblers and 10 hi-lo drivers. I never knew that Focus Hope had that many employees, nor was I aware that they "assembled" things there. I wonder if they laid off any of their executives/managers?


  2. #2


    Very sad. I've been there a few times for events. An impressive and worthwhile organization, IMO. I wonder what triggered the layoffs?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by R.B.J View Post
    Focus Hope will be permanently eliminating 120 jobs. 110 General Assemblers and 10 hi-lo drivers. I never knew that Focus Hope had that many employees, nor was I aware that they "assembled" things there. I wonder if they laid off any of their executives/managers?
    The question indicates you are missing some information about the history or structure of Focus: Hope, so I'll fill in some gaps. Focus: Hope was started by Fr. Bill Cunningham and Eleanor Josaitis, both now gone, as a part of the response to the 1967 riots. It is a non-profit and always has been, and a part of their charter has been, for a long time, to provide decent jobs to folks, especially in areas where there are few such jobs. It has always been a very lean organization; there are very few people [[six) with executive or managerial titles, and somebody has to run the thing.

    The layoffs are just like manufacturing layoffs anywhere - if they don't have a market for everything they can produce, then they have to produce less, for the time being, while they work to develop additional markets for their products. If you are truly concerned about the people losing their jobs, one direct thing you can do to help is to make a donation at focushope.edu. I have made in-kind donations over the years, helping them with this or that technical challenge, and their work is impressive. This news is quite unfortunate.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by R.B.J View Post
    Focus Hope will be permanently eliminating 120 jobs. 110 General Assemblers and 10 hi-lo drivers. I never knew that Focus Hope had that many employees, nor was I aware that they "assembled" things there. I wonder if they laid off any of their executives/managers?

    Correction: The layoffs will affect employees leased to Android-Detroit through the for-profit Focus: HOPE Companies, Inc. A previous version of this story misstated which employees would be affected by the layoffs.

    Same Link

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by professorscott View Post
    The question indicates you are missing some information about the history or structure of Focus: Hope, so I'll fill in some gaps. Focus: Hope was started by Fr. Bill Cunningham and Eleanor Josaitis, both now gone, as a part of the response to the 1967 riots. It is a non-profit and always has been, and a part of their charter has been, for a long time, to provide decent jobs to folks, especially in areas where there are few such jobs. It has always been a very lean organization; there are very few people [[six) with executive or managerial titles, and somebody has to run the thing.

    The layoffs are just like manufacturing layoffs anywhere - if they don't have a market for everything they can produce, then they have to produce less, for the time being, while they work to develop additional markets for their products. If you are truly concerned about the people losing their jobs, one direct thing you can do to help is to make a donation at focushope.edu. I have made in-kind donations over the years, helping them with this or that technical challenge, and their work is impressive. This news is quite unfortunate.
    Thanks, I knew of the history of Focus Hope, I just didn't know they had a manufacturing component. I hope everyone involved lands on their feet.

  6. #6


    I wonder if the recent cut-backs on the GM Volt assembly line had anything to do with Focus Hopes For-Profit lay-offs? It would be nice if some of the other Detroit-based assembly plants, [[Shinola maybe?) picked up the slack, and would start using local manufacturers when possible.

    Also, here's a link to Crain's with a better explanation of the Focus Hope layoffs.

    Last edited by Honky Tonk; January-11-17 at 10:24 AM.

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