Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default Silverstien area

    A lot of people are talking about Silverstiens in the six mile mt Elliot area.I used to live on Sherwood and Davison in the emerson projects in the late 40s/early 50s I am looking for anyone that lived in the projects at that time and photos of the projects would be great,I am 81 years old maybe your parents or grand parents might have been from my time the projects was just put up during world war 2 and taken down about 1954.they went from 6 mile all the way to Nevada. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTp5PELZOVo yhis is a video of Marcus Hamburger a lot of people are talking about as far as I know it is still open but you will have to call for the hours because of the area
    Last edited by Don Koprin; January-04-17 at 02:24 PM.

  2. #2


    I remember going to Silverstein’s army surplus with my dad in the 50’s when I was a child; he served in the 100th Infantry Division in Germany during the war. I found an aerial photo of the area where you lived and I marked up the streets that I could identify but Sherwood Road has moved over the years. Do the images in the photo look familiar?Name:  Emerson projects 1.jpg
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  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Don Koprin View Post
    A lot of people are talking about Silverstiens in the six mile mt Elliot area.I used to live on Sherwood and Davison in the emerson projects in the late 40s/early 50s I am looking for anyone that lived in the projects at that time and photos of the projects would be great,I am 81 years old maybe your parents or grand parents might have been from my time the projects was just put up during world war 2 and taken down about 1954.they went from 6 mile all the way to Nevada.
    Check out this older thread about the area:


  4. #4


    and I can see my house now all I have to do is try to bring it in a little closer,Sherwood is still there.if you go to this site http://www.vpike.com/ and type in Sherwood and six mile detroit mi and get the street view it will take you right there,if you go down Sherwood to 17431 Sherwood it will show where my house was,and if you follow the arrow the same way that that car is going for a short distance you will see Marcus hamburger on the right it is still open silversteins was on the left in that area if you want me to send you a short video of what marcus looks like now let me know it didn't change at all

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