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  1. #1

    Default Drone Racing Championships to be held in Detroit. But Where?

    Last week I watched some preliminary drone races on ESPN. It was mentioned that the finals would be in Detroit but the when and where seem very deliberately hidden. According to the ESPN site it may have been held on Nov. 20. while this one indicates Jan. 15. This site says it will be held "a closed Cadillac metal-stamping plant in Detroit".

    This leads me to suspect they are deliberately hiding it, perhaps they don't have proper permits for occupancy and don't want to attract and audience other than TV and online. The following video appears from the description to have been shot in the Detroit location. Any ideas?

    From over 30 FPV drone pilots, 12 finalists have emerged to compete in the 2016 DRL World Championship. Watch the FPV feeds of some of the world's top pilots as they fly through the DRL Championship course in Detroit.

  2. #2


    My guess that is the old Cadillac/Hudson/Clayton & Lambert[[1925) stamping plant near Conner, south of Gratiot. It's the only Caddy plant that fits that meager description that is still standing. I think its last use was as a used machinery company, who might still own it[[?).

  3. #3


    This happened a while ago and has already aired. I watched it three weeks ago.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by jmpatrick View Post
    This happened a while ago and has already aired. I watched it three weeks ago.
    If that is the case, I guess the Jan. 15 airing date on this schedule must be a re-run.


  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Lowell View Post
    Last week I watched some preliminary drone races on ESPN. It was mentioned that the finals would be in Detroit but the when and where seem very deliberately hidden. According to the ESPN site it may have been held on Nov. 20. while this one indicates Jan. 15. This site says it will be held "a closed Cadillac metal-stamping plant in Detroit".

    This leads me to suspect they are deliberately hiding it, perhaps they don't have proper permits for occupancy and don't want to attract and audience other than TV and online. The following video appears from the description to have been shot in the Detroit location. Any ideas?

    Yup this is definitely Connor Street Stamping or the infamous baseball card warehouse. On the second floor is a room filled with sheets of uncut baseball cards, boxes and packaged cards. Interesting to see the ground floor cleaned up a little. I was in there in November and it looked as though they were attempting to clean it. Now I know why! Thank you for sharing!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by warsaw7 View Post
    Yup this is definitely Connor Street Stamping or the infamous baseball card warehouse. On the second floor is a room filled with sheets of uncut baseball cards, boxes and packaged cards.
    What's the story with the baseball cards?

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by jmpatrick View Post
    What's the story with the baseball cards?

    That is a good question! I saw this article in the Daily Mail last summer and a friend of mine had told me the location was Connor Street so he let me tag along with him earlier this year. This building is definitely not abandoned by any means as there were a few security guards on patrol. The plant has also seen some activity as the few times I have gone back I have seen the removal of graffiti and some new dumpsters in and around the building.

  8. #8


    Maybe they should hold the race at any given Renaissance Festival or historical reenactment event. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhbuEUoxntQThink it will go over well?

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