Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default Next up, Fort Wayne? Grant seeks ways to revive historic Detroit landmark

    "A $265,000 grant from Kresge to the National Park Foundation will fund the spring hire of a consultant to work with city officials in developing by the end of 2017 a comprehensive strategic plan for the fort, including a timeline for implementation."

    It has been sad to watch this large tract of history and greenspace deteriorate when it could be used to spur residency and positive redevelopment of a very needy district.

    There are a number of quality buildings and historic homes wasting away that could form a unique residential core. Of course there has to be care taken to not disturb the historical aspects.

    I know there have been past plans and talk but nothing ever came from them. Hopefully this time different.

    Take the DetroitYES 2002 tour of Fort Wayne here >>

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  2. #2


    It would be great for this fort to become a National Historic Site, or other property administered by the National Park Service. Yes, there hasn't been that much history per se, but far less significant sites have been adopted by NPS. It would provide funding for the fort to be preserved, and serve as a good tourist and cultural site for the city.

  3. #3

    Default The renovation of Fort Wayne

    Almost two years ago, Governor Snyder announced that the state's Economic Development Corporation signed a $235,000 contract with HR & A Advisors to propose designs for Fort Wayne. They are the architects who designed London's 2012 Olympic Park and the very successful renovation of the elevated railway on the west side of Manhattan. That is known as the High Line. Has HR & A submitted a report with their suggestions for Fort Wayne.

    About a week ago, the Kresge Foundation announced a grant of $265,000 to the National Park Foundation. This is a private non-profits that promotes the nation's national parks. The grant is for planning the renovation of Fort Wayne with an anticipated date for the issuance of RFPs in 2018.

    Does anyone know what is happening? To further complicate matters, the Canadien government will spend $250 to $300 million to build a new
    customs plaza on West Jefferson just across from Fort Wayne for the
    Gordie Howe international trade crossing.


  4. #4


    It looks like the study was completed, but never made public - here's the only thing I could find:

    A new study commissioned by the Michigan Economic Development Corp. on future uses for Historic Fort Wayne is complete, but the state is not yet ready to reveal results.

    "We want to present the study and its findings at the appropriate time," Dave Murray, deputy press secretary for Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, said of the study of one of Detroit's oldest historic sites.


  5. #5


    Thanks for the information about the state sponsored study of the future of Fort Wayne. I wonder why it is not released.

  6. #6


    Hard to believe this fort is crumbling. We in the Netherlands have our fair share of forts. Some are still in a sorry state but most of them are cherished monuments with sometimes surprising new purposes. Some are lived in, others are used by scouting groups etc.



  7. #7


    Fort Vancouver [[Vancouver, WA) had similar issues to Fort Wayne in the 1970s. The property was sold to the City of Vancouver, WA for $1 who then renovated the homes along Officers Row. They are now maintained & leased [[both residential & commercial properties) by the Ft Vancouver National Trust. Other buildings on the grounds have since been rehabbed & are available for weddings, groups, etc. It's a lovely setting but unlike Ft Wayne with the parade grounds fronting the Detroit River, Ft Vancouver sits a bit back from the Columbia River.

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