Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default Green Strips on Michigan Avenue

    I've noticed at least two sections of green stripping on Michigan Avenue [[at Third) in the past few weeks. Anyone know what they are for?

    Name:  2016-12-05 09.07.32.jpg
Views: 1240
Size:  81.6 KB

  2. #2


    Bike lanes. Green indicates where traffic intersects a bike lane to serve as a mental alert to both bikers and drivers.

  3. #3


    Ferndale has already implemented similar features.

  4. #4

  5. #5


    Amen! Maybe this will keep the yahoo's from using the bike lanes as a second driving lane. Doubt it but none the less a great improvement. I like the ones in Ferndale as they are very visible and clearly marked.

  6. #6


    Thanks, everybody.

  7. #7


    That's all nice showing love to cyclists. But where's the love for motorists? Fix those pot holes.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by cassique View Post
    Amen! Maybe this will keep the yahoo's from using the bike lanes as a second driving lane. Doubt it but none the less a great improvement. I like the ones in Ferndale as they are very visible and clearly marked.

    Amen! Maybe this will keep the yahoo's from using the car lanes as a second biking lane, and riding three abreast. Doubt it but hopefully, it'll make an improvement. I hate the ones in Ferndale as they are very confusing.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    Amen! Maybe this will keep the yahoo's from using the car lanes as a second biking lane, and riding three abreast. Doubt it but hopefully, it'll make an improvement. I hate the ones in Ferndale as they are very confusing.
    Wow. Your ignorance knows no bounds. They are not "car lanes," they are for general vehicle travel. Bikes are classified as vehicles, and therefore, are allowed to be there. The "bike lanes" are merely provided as a safer space for bikers to ride, separate from cars, but away from pedestrians, as bikes are not supposed to be on the sidewalk. Bikers are not required to use the bike lanes.

    This kind of ignorance is why bikers and pedestrians alike, continue to get hit by motorists that don't know any better, thinking there's no one else [[except cars) using or crossing the street. Very sad.
    Last edited by esp1986; December-08-16 at 12:24 PM.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by esp1986 View Post
    Wow. Your ignorance knows no bounds. They are not "car lanes," they are for general vehicle travel. Bikes are classified as vehicles, and therefore, are allowed to be there. The "bike lanes" are merely provided as a safer space for bikers to ride, separate from cars, but away from pedestrians, as bikes are not supposed to be on the sidewalk. Bikers are not required to use the bike lanes.

    This kind of ignorance is why bikers and pedestrians alike, continue to get hit by motorists that don't know any better, thinking there's no one else [[except cars) using or crossing the street. Very sad.

    Talk about "ignorance", why don't you take a remedial reading class, or maybe reading comprehension? It's never too late to attend school, you know.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; December-08-16 at 12:39 PM.

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