I'm back. I was only gone to finish my film. Its my first and I had to concentrate.
I have a greater love for the city after talking with so many people who share my love.
I rode the bus which gave me a different perspective and I saw the city from a unique angle.
The film is good, and even my friend Gary who always got something negative to say, liked it.
I interviewed 55 people.
I taught myself how to edit which saved me thousands, I did have a professional fine tune the final.
I had sleepless nights because I was afraid to show it, not anymore.
The first showing is April 16th at the Cass City Cinema at Burton Theater 8pm, tickets available at the door or box office only, then May 15th at Main Art Theater in Royal Oak and May 17th at Detroit Historical Museum and other showings are in the works.

I invite you to Like the facebook page for the film and visit my website