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  1. #1

    Default Paris victims: From all over the world and all walks of life...

    Lives ended. Other lives forever changed:


  2. #2


    Yet, they won't let it control their views on sympathy and charity. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/...b06037734bb934

  3. #3


    Yet, they [[France) have heightened their security - taking more precautions. Over 230+ people have been arrested. Even to the level of shutting down three mosques possibly tied to radicalization:



    France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said Wednesday that police had arrested 232 people and shut down three mosques under emergency laws passed in the wake of last month's Paris terrorist attacks.

    Cazeneuve said police had raided one of the mosques, in the French capital’s eastern suburb of Lagny-sur-Marne, earlier in the day, placing nine people under house arrest and banning 22 from leaving the country.

    The interior minister said police had carried out 2,235 raids across the country since the November 13 attacks by Islamist gunmen and suicide bombers, in which 130 people were killed.
    He said police had seized 334 weapons, including 24 military-grade weapons.

    The French government launched a sweeping crackdown on radical Islamist groups in the wake of the attacks, giving police broad powers under a state of emergency that lawmakers have prolonged until February.

    While opinion polls suggest the state of emergency enjoys considerable support among the French public, rights groups and some politicians have recently voiced concern about reports of police abuses.

    Cazeneuve rejected their criticism, saying: “It is terrorism, not the state of emergency, which threatens freedoms”.

    Last edited by Zacha341; December-06-15 at 06:42 AM.

  4. #4


    ^^^ That is sad to see such harshness. It may be effective in much needed areas, but many innocent folks will be affected [[not that I ever considered France the Paragon of racial and immigrant tolerance, given their track record with gypsies and race riots, and the one they had in 2005https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_F...es_Le_Chenadec). As I pointed out in another thread, the event will be exploited by the new extreme right-wing elements that are rising up in France, and xenophobia will rival that of the Nazi sympathizers of France in the '40s.

    Recently, there was an incident where a man supposedly yelling "This is for Syria!" cut 3 persons on a London subway. Police showed up, announced they would Taze him, they did, and he dropped. No one killed [[still don't know why from the video some woman ran up to have the cops push her away). http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2...ground-stationThe best part was hearing the voice of a man off camera yelling "You're no Muslim, Bruv!". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxbWLbSdnPQ

    Compare how the police handled that well in London, with an incident in Miami Beach where an unhinged, elderly bank robber [[who made off with nothing) gets cornered with a straight razor. The full televised video I initially saw showed him looking tired trying to talk to cops while one hand leaning on the hood of the car, the other pointing the razor at something beyond the cops [[as if he were saying "I'll come with you, but I want you to hear what happened to me over there."). One cop Tazes him, while he gets shot twice [[dead) by another. It was excessive and unnecessary [[as many witnesses will attest). http://www.miamiherald.com/news/loca...e48175540.html

    It is typical of recent incidents with police in the last two years, and it is not surprising to see Police P.R. spokespersons pad and exaggerate the incident in their favor. Later news reportings of the incident leave out the Taze option that transpired.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    U2 and Eagles of Death Metal doing a Patti Smith song in Paris:


    Just for the heck of it here's Patti and Fred Smith doing it:


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