Remember when Bardarbunga was keeping us all on the edge of our seat last summer? She is definitely waning, though she contributed to the deaths of thousands of sheep. Now Hekla wants to join the fun. This article is Google translated from DV News.

Hekla lies below a major flight path.

This is stated in the newspaper today. Paul says:
"That fly out of 20-30 planes a day. They are in danger of landing in strokes when he comes. Hekla do not need to spend any energy to melt through the ice so that the clouds of ash will rise immediately with full power and go up to ten miles tall, up to veðrahvörfum. "

Hekla has arrived on time and according to Paul context that the eruption will be very short:

"Hekla in the next game and the context that it will be very short. The prelude to the eruption will be barely more than half an hour or an hour. "