The financial collapse of the United States of America is coming sooner than you think.

This is NOT a Democrat or Republican issue. Both parties have been spending uncontrollably since WWII. Including Reagan, Clinton, Carter, Obama and both Bushes, as well as their predecessors. It's NOT a Partisan issue.

People whine about "Government Shutdowns" ... this will make a Permanant Government Shut Down.
People whine about "Taking away Granny's Social Security" or "Stopping my Welfare" ... after the financial collapse the Director of the CBO is describing, there will be NO Government benefits.

Unless you're a low educated voter [[as many are), then you know that FICA and Social security go into the general fund, there is no savings account with your Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid taxes sitting in it. It's being spent and then they are borrowing more money and spending that too.

Austerity measures must be put into place or it's going to be the GUARANTEED collapse of this country. When the director of the CBO says it to be true in the kindest words he can find, you know it's going to hit the fan.

15-25 years is not very far off. Get ready. Because neither party is going to cut spending to the point that there's enough surplus that the nation can start paying off the debt.

We are headed for the cliff.