Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1

    Default OMG, the GPP Berlin Wall

    We went to the Secretary of State Office at Alter & Mack then the Aldis. Drove up Alter to see the barrier. The tower of power was truly disgusting and the barn so strangely juxtaposed and attached.

    I was accused on this forum of seeing racism in GPP. Look buddy I lived there. We were renters and had to prove each year to the schools, the parks, the libraries while we lived there. I was fine with that, we were renters. The schools were doing the same shit to black home owners. That created a ruckus, as it should have.

    In recent history the park has offered grants to rental home owners grants to convert rentals to single family homes. Then of course there is the grants to established [[no doubt white) residents for their college kids to live/rent/buy in the points. Rather generous grants too.

    While we lived there, three street leading into Detroit were barricaded.

    So I am not boxing at shadows here. Technically I have no stake in this as I am white but racism is plain out wrong. However I am a citizen of this world and deplore elitism. Living in a predominantly black community I get reverse racism on occasion, just as stupid, just as wrong.

    That wall is an abomination.

  2. #2


    think someones gonna put a ronald reagan statue / grafiti or cardboard cutout there?

    'tear down this wall'

  3. #3

    Default Ruh Oh! Grosse Pointe may have built new blockade on Detroit Property!

    From MotorCityMuckraker.com:

    Grosse Pointe Park quietly built a shed this summer for a farmer’s market in the middle of a main road at the border of Detroit with the intent of permanently closing off the historic east-west route.

    The move was highly controversial because Kercheval is a popular route for buses and Detroiters, and it’s the fourth street along Alter that blocks off the city to traffic.

    Turns out, the property on which the shed was built actually belongs to Detroit because of an anomaly along the border, according to city and other mapping data. Wayne County tax records also indicate that the property is in Detroit.

    By law, Grosse Pointe Park can’t build on Detroit property without city approval, which was never sought and likely would never be received.

    Detroit launched an investigation in response to our inquiry, and city crews were recently spotted examining the border.

    Neither Grosse Pointe City Manager Dale Krajniak nor Mayor Palmer Heenan responded to interview requests. Several council members also ducked our questions.

    A photographer working on a project about Detroit’s boundaries tipped us off about a notch in the city’s border at Kercheval and Alter. City and other government maps, along with tax records, indicate that the border between the two cities juts a block east, encompassing the heart of Grosse Pointe’s project to build a farmer’s market on Kercheval.
    Much of the work has already been done.

    To the left of the red line is Grosse Pointe Park property. To the right is Detroit, where the shed was built and blocks off traffic.

    In general, the border between Grosse Pointe Park and Detroit follows an alley just east of Alter. But detailed mapping data from Detroit and the U.S. government show a few anomalies along the east-west border, including similar notches near Charlevoix and E. Jefferson to accommodate large buildings.

    Grosse Pointe Park’s charter does not account for the anomalies.
    So what does this mean for the farmer’s market? It may depend on whether the [FONT=inherit]city of Detroit challenges the blockade.

    Mayor Duggan, who has managed to avoid controversy during his first year so far, is withholding comment until the completion of a city investigation.

    During the winter, Grosse Pointe Park occasionally blocked the same road with mounds of snow.

    The road closure comes at a time when the community is still trying to overcome a police scandal in which white officers were humiliating a mentally impaired black man.

  4. #4


    Good one.......

  5. #5


    !woW !woW !woW

  6. #6


    Nice graphics! I've worked near there from time to time [[In Detroit). What a careless mess and what's up with that Barn?

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by compn View Post
    think someones gonna put a ronald reagan statue / grafiti or cardboard cutout there?

    'tear down this wall'
    I see Casual has a thread regarding this same issue and perhaps the threads should be merged. The wall is enormously tall and very intimidating. I am no fan of "tagging" or graffiti but this just begs for such treatment. I haven't seen such an overt sign of racial divide in years.

  8. #8


    Nice reporting. I started a thread regarding that amazing insult to Detroiters. Threads should be merged.

  9. #9


    Mr. Richville, tear down this wall.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Why do some Detroiters care so much about the Pointes and their land use decisions?

    If you don't like the Pointes, don't go there. Stop hyperventilating at every perceived sleight and be neighborly for once. And stop with the racism canard, east of Alter is much more diverse and welcoming than west.

  11. #11


    Uh oh, it's actually built on Detroit land. Ck out Motor City Muckrackers blog.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Why do some Detroiters care so much about the Pointes and their land use decisions?
    Would you care if Duggan built a giant water tower at the corner of Old Woodward and Maple?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by stinkytofu View Post
    Would you care if Duggan built a giant water tower at the corner of Old Woodward and Maple?
    Obviously no, not if it were Detroit land and legal use.

    Who gives a crap already? If you don't like the Pointes, don't go there. We all know the Lower East Side of Detroit is bombed out and a threat to neighboring property values, which includes all of the Pointes, and the remaining stable areas on the East Side. People would be complete idiots to not try and limit the negative externalities from living next to a post apocalyptic wasteland.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Why do some Detroiters care so much about the Pointes and their land use decisions?
    Because they built it on Detroit's property.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Obviously no, not if it were Detroit land and legal use.
    Are you just trolling at this point? Did you bother to even read the article about where the shed was built?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by stinkytofu View Post
    Are you just trolling at this point? Did you bother to even read the article about where the shed was built?
    Are you referring to Motor City Muckraker? That's not exactly a legitimate news source.

    Again, if the Pointes are doing something illegal, then report the illegal activity. Otherwise, you have no business complaining.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Why do some Detroiters care so much about the Pointes and their land use decisions?

    If you don't like the Pointes, don't go there. Stop hyperventilating at every perceived sleight and be neighborly for once. And stop with the racism canard, east of Alter is much more diverse and welcoming than west.
    It doesn't look like it's there land. Even in Google Earth the municipal boundary matches what's claim by Motor City Mudracker.

    They've closed down and built a shed on a street that belongs to Detroit.

    I don't care about the street being closed down, but Grosse Pointe Park cannot take over Detroit land, and that's what they've done.

  18. #18


    The diagram in the article is not accurate. The boarder runs down the rear proprty lines of wayburn. It follows the property line on the south side of the last house at the alley to a point 60 or 62 feet [[dont remember which) west of the west wayburn sidewalk. It then runs south to the south kercheval alley and runs west again to the back property lines of the wayburn houses toward jefferson. A similar scheme is found atMack and Jefferson. Ill see if i can find my description of boundary from when it was moved in the late 70s early 80s.

    Now, this not to say that the sheds are not pushed west of the boarder, but there is space to be in GPP.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by 48307 View Post
    It doesn't look like it's there land. Even in Google Earth the municipal boundary matches what's claim by Motor City Mudracker.

    They've closed down and built a shed on a street that belongs to Detroit.

    I don't care about the street being closed down, but Grosse Pointe Park cannot take over Detroit land, and that's what they've done.
    When I ran up to Pointe Hardware Monday, I walked over to look @ the evil doings of those "Pointers". It looks like the 2 sheds are some kind of temporary structure, [[think Home Depot sheds) and can easily be moved. Maybe they were put there to store and hand out racist propaganda? I asked one "Detroiter", shopping for plumbing parts, what he thought about the street being closed off. He said he thought it was a great idea. I did tell him I was from Detroit before I asked. But I didn't tell him I was white.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    When I ran up to Pointe Hardware Monday, I walked over to look @ the evil doings of those "Pointers". It looks like the 2 sheds are some kind of temporary structure, [[think Home Depot sheds) and can easily be moved. Maybe they were put there to store and hand out racist propaganda? I asked one "Detroiter", shopping for plumbing parts, what he thought about the street being closed off. He said he thought it was a great idea. I did tell him I was from Detroit before I asked. But I didn't tell him I was white.
    I'm with you about not caring about the street being blocked off, but GPP has no right to do things to land that is Detroit's.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Why do some Detroiters care so much about the Pointes and their land use decisions?

    If you don't like the Pointes, don't go there. Stop hyperventilating at every perceived sleight and be neighborly for once. And stop with the racism canard, east of Alter is much more diverse and welcoming than west.
    I became a member of this forum because I was charmed by Lowell's Motto/slogan/mission statement, "Detroit, what went wrong and how can we heal it". Further he wants us to celebrate our international border. I try hard to focus on positives. Detroit does indeed have many positives which resides in the spirit and dedication of so many amazing people and orgs.

    I am a realist and can certainly acknowledge all our problems and have worked hard to resolve internal issues and multiple community collaborations with us. I have put time, money and initiatives to further these goals.

  22. #22


    Matty Moroun has illegally closed W. Jefferson at 23rd Street for over 10 years now and the city has yet to do anything about it.

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by sumas View Post
    We went to the Secretary of State Office at Alter & Mack then the Aldis. Drove up Alter to see the barrier. The tower of power was truly disgusting and the barn so strangely juxtaposed and attached.

    I was accused on this forum of seeing racism in GPP. Look buddy I lived there. We were renters and had to prove each year to the schools, the parks, the libraries while we lived there. I was fine with that, we were renters. The schools were doing the same shit to black home owners. That created a ruckus, as it should have.

    In recent history the park has offered grants to rental home owners grants to convert rentals to single family homes. Then of course there is the grants to established [[no doubt white) residents for their college kids to live/rent/buy in the points. Rather generous grants too.

    While we lived there, three street leading into Detroit were barricaded.

    So I am not boxing at shadows here. Technically I have no stake in this as I am white but racism is plain out wrong. However I am a citizen of this world and deplore elitism. Living in a predominantly black community I get reverse racism on occasion, just as stupid, just as wrong.

    That wall is an abomination.
    I wish you would have put your "citizen of the world" statement at the beginning of the post. I would have stopped reading it at that point.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Why do some Detroiters care so much about the Pointes and their land use decisions?

    If you don't like the Pointes, don't go there. Stop hyperventilating at every perceived sleight and be neighborly for once. And stop with the racism canard, east of Alter is much more diverse and welcoming than west.
    Actually I can throw that back at you, why do you care to post on a DetroitYes forum when you clearly hate us.

    For fun I'll invite you to a community meeting this Saturday, July 19th from 2:00 to 4:00 at a vacant maintained lot next to 2153 Field, between Kercheval and Vernor. Good people, good food. It is across from our community gardens. We are planning a street/block club party which is always awesome.

    Bet you're afraid to cross 8 Mile.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Signman View Post
    I wish you would have put your "citizen of the world" statement at the beginning of the post. I would have stopped reading it at that point.
    I find that a curious comment. I have a deep belief or concept that we all share responsibility for furthering world peace, global responsibility and fellowship with all races and religions. Please elaborate your comment.

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