Hopefully they're charged as adults and receive the longest allowable sentence.
Hopefully they're charged as adults and receive the longest allowable sentence.
Last edited by admin; July-02-14 at 11:04 PM.
What's the message here, though? Don't fuck with Dan Gilbert? Because that's kind of what it looks like. You can tag the homes of hardworking people in the city and get away clear, but if you tag a person with means and connections, you're going down?http://deadlinedetroit.com/articles/...s#.U7RpK7E5tkE
Hopefully they're charged as adults and receive the longest allowable sentence.
I normally agree with you, Briz. Maybe I'm just seeing this through the prism of the law hitting you depending on who you are and who you hit. They'll probably get probation and that's probably all they deserve, if it's their first offense and they come forward.
Unless they have a record of other bad behavior, they aren't going to get anything more severe than community service. A lot of it, I hope.http://deadlinedetroit.com/articles/...s#.U7RpK7E5tkE
Hopefully they're charged as adults and receive the longest allowable sentence.
I suspect the big difference here is security cameras. Most hardworking people don't have video of the taggers. But of course, it is better not to piss off people who are in a position to retaliate.
I do sometimes wonder if Gilbert is getting sweetheart deals and media coverage vs actually having vision.What's the message here, though? Don't fuck with Dan Gilbert? Because that's kind of what it looks like. You can tag the homes of hardworking people in the city and get away clear, but if you tag a person with means and connections, you're going down?
I normally agree with you, Briz. Maybe I'm just seeing this through the prism of the law hitting you depending on who you are and who you hit. They'll probably get probation and that's probably all they deserve, if it's their first offense and they come forward.
But when it comes to vandals and hooligans I have no love. It's fucked a billionaire has to throw his weight around, just like it's fucked that all those homeowners had to take the lives of those invading their homes.
Get creative.
Make their sentences [[however long) ironic.
Tag a building or house? Serve your days/months in that alley.
Stuff a bunch of tires into an abandoned building? You serve your time in that structure, tires exactly as you put them.
Arson? Live the rest of your life in the burned out hulk. Don't have a roof? Tough.
I'm mostly joking but I'm just sick of this town being used as a toilet and if extreme measures have to be taken for people to get the message...
Last edited by brizee; July-02-14 at 04:12 PM.
Right on. I understand why you feel the way you do.I can see that.
I do sometimes wonder if Gilbert is getting sweetheart deals and media coverage vs actually having vision.
But when it comes to vandals and hooligans I have no love. It's fucked a billionaire has to throw his weight around, just like it's fucked that all those homeowners had to take the lives of those invading their homes.
Get creative.
Make their sentences [[however long) ironic.
Tag a building or house? Serve your days/months in that alley.
Stuff a bunch of tires into an abandoned building? You serve your time in that structure, tires exactly as you put them.
Arson? Live the rest of your life in the burned out hulk. Don't have a roof? Tough.
I'm mostly joking but I'm just sick of this town being used as a toilet and if extreme measures have to be taken for people to get the message...
I like your creative sentences. They remind me of this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Super
Aren't these artists part of the hip creative class Gilbert is hell-bent on subsidiz- I mean attracting?
He should give them an award for engaging their creative talents in Detroit instead of Brooklyn or Berlin...
1500 hours community service for each of them. The time can be spent cleaning graffiti or dump sites in the city. Jail certainly isn't appropriate but a huge amount of community service might set a bit of an example.
I'm sure they'll get 30 days probation, a $100 fine and their parents will be outraged since the city has bigger problems.
Dan Gilbert would still be very rich and very successful if he never spent a penny in or on Detroit. I do think he will make money on his investments here. But I suspect he makes money on most of his investments, wherever he locates them. Does the man get lots of great press? Sure. But his work downtown has been truly transformative. His vision is: if you build it, they will come. He has been a-buildin', and the people are a-comin'. A great many of the people living or working or visiting downtown would not be there because of DG directly or indirectly. And he has much more in the works, that we know about. Lord only knows what he has planned but has not yet announced.
Oh, and my recommended punishment for taggers? Put an ugly tattoo they don't want on their forehead. When they clean up what they did, make restitution, and wait the same number of days between the offense and the clean up, the tattoo can be removed.
Last edited by MikeyinBrooklyn; July-02-14 at 05:00 PM.
I disagree. Jail time and throw the book @ them. The next tagging a-ho will think twice. Part of the problem is no serious repercussions, so it's open house on Detroit.1500 hours community service for each of them. The time can be spent cleaning graffiti or dump sites in the city. Jail certainly isn't appropriate but a huge amount of community service might set a bit of an example.
I'm sure they'll get 30 days probation, a $100 fine and their parents will be outraged since the city has bigger problems.
This is the ultimate problem. I'm not super old, but when I was a kid, your parents were harder on you than the police. Now, they defend you when they should punish you. Same with school discipline. In sixth grade I got into a [[relatively minor) fight and was given detention. My mom was MUCH harder on me than the school was. Nowadays, the outraged parents would be hiring a lawyer to sue the school for the unfair punishment and for fostering an unsafe environment. Some parents really suck.
I think a full time job for 9 months of community service is a pretty big repercussion. That said, I'd have no qualms with jail to set an example.
whats a pawgette?
you guys and your fancy terminology
Throw them under the jail. An example should be made out of them.
Suburbanites would do the same thing [[for example, what the Warrentucky police did to that girl with the weave) if Detroiters were caught doing this in their cities.
Last edited by 313WX; July-02-14 at 05:55 PM.
Let's find those spoiled Richville Girls and make them clean up their mess.
I assume these 3 kids are minors and their names will not be revealed. If they are adults, the Grosse Pointe News will evoke its policy of "select journalism" and still not identify them by name.http://deadlinedetroit.com/articles/...s#.U7RpK7E5tkE
Hopefully they're charged as adults and receive the longest allowable sentence.
the Pussification of AmericaThis is the ultimate problem. I'm not super old, but when I was a kid, your parents were harder on you than the police. Now, they defend you when they should punish you. Same with school discipline. In sixth grade I got into a [[relatively minor) fight and was given detention. My mom was MUCH harder on me than the school was. Nowadays, the outraged parents would be hiring a lawyer to sue the school for the unfair punishment and for fostering an unsafe environment. Some parents really suck.
Gilbert should just close off Jefferson so the GPers can't come in to Detroit. Maybe put up a 'farmer's market.'
The residents [[or corporate owners) of Detroit shouldn't have to put up with 'suburban youth' and their rowdiness.
They are not going to get jail time for spraying a building. Especially if they have no prior offenses.
I hope the morons get stuck with heavy community service sentences that must be served in the city. Trash removal or park work.
Not really getting the Gilbert hate here. He has security cameras on his private buildings. He used that video evidence to spread the word to his employees about turning the perps in. They gave leads and then he went to cops with that info. Don't really think he got special treatment here?