Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1

    Default any info on these murals?

    i was driving around yesterday and found two fresh murals and was wondering if anyone had more info about the artists.

    along gratiot >

    along hamilton >

    also does anyone know of a “directory of murals or graffiti” where this kind of thing is catalogued?

    thanks in advance.
    Last edited by edgar_rhode; July-01-14 at 01:10 PM.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by edgar_rhode View Post
    i was driving around yesterday and found two fresh murals and was wondering if anyone had more info about the artists.

    along gratiot >

    along hamilton >

    also does anyone know of a “directory of murals or graffiti” where this kind of thing is catalogued?

    thanks in advance.
    Not sure about the bottom one, but the top one was completed last summer by New Zealand's Askew. It is a tribute to NEKST, a fallen artist who passed away in late 2012.

  3. #3


    There is a mural similar to the bottom one along Gratiot by the I-94 EB entrance. There is text that goes with it, though I cannot recall it. I assumed from the text and the photo that it was a tribute to Trayvon Martin, but I could be totally wrong.

  4. #4


    > warsaw 7. whoa. it has remained “clean” for almost a year? that is pretty amazing. thanks for the info. are there other examples of askews work in the area?

    > aoife. thanks also. yeah the hamilton piece looks like more will be added but its pretty awesome in its current state.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by edgar_rhode View Post
    > warsaw 7. whoa. it has remained “clean” for almost a year? that is pretty amazing. thanks for the info. are there other examples of askews work in the area?

    > aoife. thanks also. yeah the hamilton piece looks like more will be added but its pretty awesome in its current state.

    Nothing like the "Nekst" piece, but he has been here three times in the four years. His stuff is everywhere. IMO probably the best writer in the world.

  6. #6


    Interesting info about Askew. Here's a couple photos of the other Trayvon Mural, the one by I-94 mentioned by aoife. The quote is one of my favorites from MLK.

    Name:  Trayvon Martin Mural_1.jpg
Views: 865
Size:  79.6 KB

    The photo below puts it in context.

    Name:  Trayvon Martin Mural_Corner.jpg
Views: 764
Size:  82.4 KB

    It's on Gratiot.

  7. #7


    > DVD. oh yeah. i've seen that one. thanks.

  8. #8


    The Trayvon Martin memorial Mural on Hamilton was done by native Detroiter and community activist/organizer Sean M. Murphy and his son Adrian along with a few volunteers. It was funded by local donations and a grant from Black Bottom Brewing Company.


  9. #9


    Yesterday was Trayvon's birthday. Rest in peace.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by PapaSmurf View Post
    The Trayvon Martin memorial Mural on Hamilton was done by native Detroiter and community activist/organizer Sean M. Murphy and his son Adrian along with a few volunteers. It was funded by local donations and a grant from Black Bottom Brewing Company.

    Where is this piece located?

  11. #11


    I still want to know why the "rocks of crack" TM was alleged to have been holding in his hand were never entered into evidence

  12. #12


    It was skittles.

    Skittles and Tea is used to cut the horrible taste of robotussin.
    Because robotussin has a bitering agent added to it so kids won’t drink too much of it and overdose. The tea and skittles is used to reduce the bitter taste of the cough syrup. The tea and skittles provides no other function in “pruprle drank” than to make it taste good so you intentionally overdose on DXM.

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