Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1

    Default No wonder the D is bankrupt-- Anyone else get 2 tax refund checks?

    I filled out my non-resident CoD income tax forms well before the deadline but sent them in pretty close to the last day. Today, I get two pieces of mail, each bearing a check for the full refund. They are identical except for the check number. Anyone else have this happen this year [[or any other year)?

    I dread the hassle of sorting this out over such a minor amount.

  2. #2


    Was this from 2009? I'm still waiting for mine.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Hamtragedy View Post
    Was this from 2009? I'm still waiting for mine.
    Sorry, this was for 2013.

    How about I send you my 2nd refund for 2013 in place of your 2009 refund--- and then you, me, and Detroit will all call it even?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by cjd View Post
    I filled out my non-resident CoD income tax forms well before the deadline but sent them in pretty close to the last day. Today, I get two pieces of mail, each bearing a check for the full refund. They are identical except for the check number. Anyone else have this happen this year [[or any other year)?

    I dread the hassle of sorting this out over such a minor amount.

    Since I've been trying to get mine for the last 45 years, please, consider it a gift from me.

  5. #5


    I've always had to pay the City since I left college. I have too much income from investments.

  6. #6


    Sadly, I only received one refund check on Friday.

  7. #7


    havent gotten a refund check from them since 2005. still waiting...

  8. #8


    my girlfriend received one, for a minuscule sum of $5...and it probably cost them $100 to process and send the check.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Ltdave View Post
    havent gotten a refund check from them since 2005. still waiting...
    Really? How do you all not get your refunds? I get one [[<$100) every year and have always received it within 9 months. Never missed one.

    Change of address? Setoffs against another year when you owed but didn't pay?

    Seriously, after hearing about all the people that didn't receive any, I feel very lucky at this point to get one every year, not to mention two this year.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by cjd View Post
    Really? How do you all not get your refunds? I get one [[<$100) every year and have always received it within 9 months. Never missed one.

    Change of address? Setoffs against another year when you owed but didn't pay?

    Seriously, after hearing about all the people that didn't receive any, I feel very lucky at this point to get one every year, not to mention two this year.

    I can't speak for everyone, but in my case, I get a notification that my refund will be coming within the next few weeks, but it never comes. Same address they used to send the forms to. Honestly, my City tax refunds are always within a few $'s of what was taken out, so it isn't worth hassling over. [[to me) My advice is to return one of them, and by registered mail. I've had trouble with the City losing 2 parking ticket payments, than coming after me. I don't know what your refund amount is, but you probably don't need the additional B\S in your life should they catch their mistake.

  11. #11


    In the 14 years we have worked in the city I have never actually received my refund. Some clerk told me it was because if it is under a certain amount they don't bother. I am hoping one day they will just send us a lump sum.....

  12. #12


    Freep reporting the City sent out at least 900 of bad checks. Only one of the two checks is good and the city pledges to reimburse anyone who got penalized by their banks for the bad checks.


  13. #13


    I mailed my 2012 and 2013 Detroit income tax returns on June 15, 2014. I underpaid for 2012, but overpaid in 2013 year in excess of what I owed, so I had a net refund. Got my refund check dated 7/8/2014 in the mail today. Absolutely no problem. By comparison I had the same circumstances for my state and federal taxes. Got my state refund 2- 3 weeks after filing. Still awaiting my federal.
    Last edited by mam2009; July-17-14 at 04:26 PM.

  14. #14


    I just picked up my mail and there was a summons for July duty at 36th Dist. Court...I left Michigan in 2012....

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