Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1

    Default Detroit school revenues and expenses for 2012-13 year

    The Michigan Department of Education bulletin 1014 report for 2012-13 on revenue and expenses for all schools in the state became available in April.


    Bulletin 1014 contains various pieces of financial information about Michigan Public Schools including revenue and expenditure perpupil. They also include the fall pupil count, average teacher salary, and taxable value information.

    I used this information to make two charts to show where Detroit ranks to other schools.

    The first chart shows revenues per pupil from all sources

    The second shows the amount spent per pupil for instructions and support and teachers salaries.
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  2. #2


    Is anyone surprised that Detroit gets more money per student at $13,825.00 then Birmingham does at $13,258????

  3. #3


    CTG, check it out by State, Local, And Federal Sources. Get a load of Houghton too. Detroit gets far more fed money than Bham but Bham has a sizable local share. It has a lot to do with the concentration of high housing values in that relatively small district.

    Not sure how Houghton can generate that much locally unless they are taxing the crap out of vacation home [[non-homestead) properties. I pay twice as much at my cabin in school taxes than my neighbors who have kids enrolled there do!

    Statewide we have far too many school districts. Redford has at least two! Each one operates like a fifedom!
    Last edited by DetroitPlanner; June-14-14 at 10:10 AM.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by CassTechGrad View Post
    Is anyone surprised that Detroit gets more money per student at $13,825.00 then Birmingham does at $13,258????
    No. Money for schools clearly isn't the problem in Detroit nor Birmingham.

    I think we all know our school funding isn't perfect -- but I've no evidence that more money drives better results. That's why I always vote NO for school funding. Not because they don't need money -- but because their problem is a spending problem -- not a revenue problem.

  5. #5


    The Houghton Elm River school gets $55,068 per pupil but it only has 5 students, see the second chart under "Pupil count". It must be a special education school and does not represent the average student revenue in that district. You can see that it is ranked #1 in the state for pupil funding and the Hinoki International School in Wayne county is ranked last at $6,778. with 82 students.

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