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  1. #1

    Default Another beating, this time on video at Gay Pride Parade

    These kids feeling real proud of ganging up on one dude.


  2. #2


    It's not at all cear from that video exactly what was going on, except that there was clearly a fight and that some people should be charged with assault. It's not necessarily clear here that that this was a straight against gay "hate crime" as claimed. I've heard from others that this may have been a group of gay people getting into a dispute with another gay person, but that is of course hearsay. From the Free Press story though it appears that the police have more information.

  3. #3


    My interpretation was that the comment "They had to jump a gay n---" insinuated that whoever was getting beat on was singled out for being perceived as gay, whether or not he actually was. But you are right as well. Nonetheless, I hope the right persons are prosecuted for their actions.

  4. #4


    Fortunately there are very clear pictures of the assailants. They walk right into the camera at the end. Ancient scene but new technology in everybody's pocket. Gotcha.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Lowell View Post
    Fortunately there are very clear pictures of the assailants. They walk right into the camera at the end. Ancient scene but new technology in everybody's pocket. Gotcha.
    Not only that, but this took place at the RiverWalk which has a ton of security cameras. Plus there were probably plenty of eyewitnesses. The article doesn't say if anyone was arrested, but I'd be surprised if no one was.

  6. #6


    Another attack.
    This must end! None of us are called upon to approve/condone/accept/like[[or any other word one might insert)but NO ONE has the right to do something as vile as what was done to that young man simply because he's gay. This kind of violence is never acceptable but it sickens me all the more when it's done out of hatred&intolerance.
    I hope all that laid a finger on that young man will face the maximum punishment the law allows.
    Last edited by trotwood; June-11-14 at 07:50 AM.

  7. #7


    werd stur... werd stur.....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by EastsideAl View Post
    It's not at all cear from that video exactly what was going on, except that there was clearly a fight and that some people should be charged with assault. It's not necessarily clear here that that this was a straight against gay "hate crime" as claimed. I've heard from others that this may have been a group of gay people getting into a dispute with another gay person, but that is of course hearsay. From the Free Press story though it appears that the police have more information.

    The men who beat him, as well as the crowd who were watching, were yelling anti-gay slurs. Seems pretty clear cut to me.

  9. #9


    The part that really upsets me is that this pretty much could have been anyone at the parade. These thugs were looking for someone to beat up because who in their rational mind goes to a pride parade to be homophobic? And I still think back to the other cases of guys just driving through the city getting beat up on for being good Samaritans. It's like they'll use any stupid reason to gang up on someone, and really how tough are you that you need 5 other dudes to help you beat up someone? Ugh.

  10. #10


    It's really hard to believe Detroit's coming back when you have such a large percentage of the population who considers this type of stuff "normal." There's a couple lost generations of Detroiters who were raised to not know any better, considering how much economical, political and social divestment their environment has suffered from.

    Quite frankly [[while a shortsighted reaction), the more I think about it, I don't blame the suburbanites and out-staters who fled Detroit and are now reluctant to waste their short lives taking on this ingrained culture that has manisfested head on for only the noble cause to save what was once their home and a great American city.

    Maybe if you can wall off midtown/downtown, but even so, it's such a tiny part of the city.
    Last edited by 313WX; June-11-14 at 04:40 AM.

  11. #11


    I'm pretty sure if you put a wall any where in Detroit, that's just going to cause more problems. You might as well just write off the whole city and wall it off at the city limits if you're going to go that route.

  12. #12


    You can clearly hear the teens/ twenty-somethings filming yelling "World Star!" short for worldstarhiphop.com: a loathsome site where beatings, and a stew of other stupid and disruptive behaviors are promoted and categorized with pride! This violent action upon the young man is outrageous and I hope the assailants are caught quickly.

    Problem is that the 'culture' of watch, film, walk and post is increasingly prevalent.

    Not only is violence celebrated via the phone vids but those involved feel they'll not be caught. This changed somewhat in the Utash case. Someone fingered a few folk and the social media DOCUMENTATION: FB, worldstar and youtube, etc. is helping identify the perps.
    Last edited by Zacha341; June-12-14 at 05:34 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    It's really hard to believe Detroit's coming back when you have such a large percentage of the population who considers this type of stuff "normal.
    Is it a "large" percentage? How do you know? All the people that mind their own business and go to school, work, church etc. don't grab all the media attention.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by EastsideAl View Post
    It's not at all cear from that video exactly what was going on, except that there was clearly a fight
    No, Al, it is NOT clearly a fight, it's an attack. 6 guys hitting and kicking the crap out of one guy, including violently stomping on his head after he's down, does not constitute a fight. It was perconceived. The camera person had a clear, in focus, view of the incident.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Is it a "large" percentage? How do you know? All the people that mind their own business and go to school, work, church etc. don't grab all the media attention.
    Large enough that the crime rate remains ridiculously high for a city Detroit's size and that thousands of these good people you describe continue to flee each year.

    That's not to say there aren't a lot of good people that still live in the city, but there are enough bad apples to the point that the whole bunch is being spoiled for them, so to speak.

    BTW, do you live in Detroit or did you move out? If you did move out, what was your reason for doing so?
    Last edited by 313WX; June-11-14 at 07:22 AM.

  16. #16


    This story was on the local ABC affiliate in San Diego...


  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Is it a "large" percentage? How do you know? All the people that mind their own business and go to school, work, church etc. don't grab all the media attention.
    It is large enough for no one to step in and help the guy. There sure were people who felt it was more important to video tape it. Very sad. I don't think that this type of bizarre reaction is limited to Detroit though. I blame voyer shows for thinking it is better to video peoples problems than to help solve them. The guy who videotaped this did this to get hits on youtube more so than to help the cops else he would not have used the n-word.
    Last edited by DetroitPlanner; June-11-14 at 07:53 AM.

  18. #18


    Where were security? Had the security cameras caught this

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    You can clearly hear the teens/ twenty-somethings filming yelling "World Star!" short for worldstarhiphop.com: a loathsome site where beatings, and a stew of other stupid and disruptive behaviors are promoted and categorized with pride! This violent action upon the young man is outrageous and I hope the assailants are caught quickly.

    Problem is that the 'culture' of watch, film, walk and post is increasingly prevalent.

    Not only is violence celebrated via the phone vids but those involved feel they'll not be caught. This changed somewhat in the Utash case. Someone fingered a few folk and the social media DOCUMENTATION: FB, worldstar and youtube, etc. is helping identify the perps.
    Those damn kids!! It couldn't possibly be that these types of incidents have always taken place, but due to the fact that we all have portable camera/video cameras in our pockets, we're much more aware of the issues! No! It's those damn millenials and young kids! They are just the worst and so dumb and terrible.

    Seriously, I grew up in one of the nicer suburbs of Detroit and can say, this dumb type of crap happened 10+ years ago. We just weren't able to capture it with our cell phones, and the media didn't jump all over it for shock value, page views and to further the "KIDS THESE DAYS ARE THE MOST VIOLENT AT ALL EVER [[Even though overall crime is down)" narrative.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by motz View Post
    Seriously, I grew up in one of the nicer suburbs of Detroit and can say, this dumb type of crap happened 10+ years ago.
    In what suburb did you grow up where pride parades and other public gatherings were regularly met with violent gang beat-downs?

  21. #21


    Thanks, zacha for providing the information on WorldStar. If you look at the ABC coverage of this thug website you can learn that there are actual pay-outs for submitting videos of beat-downs:


  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by SWMAP View Post
    Thanks, zacha for providing the information on WorldStar. If you look at the ABC coverage of this thug website you can learn that there are actual pay-outs for submitting videos of beat-downs:


    Now THAT'S entertainment! I can't believe it. The website certainly gives kids something to aspire to. What's next? A snuff website?

  23. #23


    Yeah, crime pays it seems! Interestingly, that site and others are used by some as their smart board to 'define' all black people. I remind the kids who celebrate and endorse WSHH of this.

    Quote Originally Posted by SWMAP View Post
    Thanks, zacha for providing the information on WorldStar. If you look at the ABC coverage of this thug website you can learn that there are actual pay-outs for submitting videos of beat-downs:


  24. #24


    clearly heard: "werd stur... werd stur"

    so proud to have captured this

  25. #25


    I think Detroit is perfect now for the term of driving/walking while gay or white. Where is the outrage now at city council? Brenda Jones, how come I don't see you in the media talking about this type of violence?
    Last edited by noggin; June-12-14 at 07:56 AM.

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