Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1

    Default Detroit city council holds session on NAACP/Zimmerman petition

    http://www.freep.com/article/2013072...NAACP-petition as individuals, if they wanted to support this, fine; but I'm not sure why this becomes city council business. The original incident wasn't even in Detroit.

  2. #2


    I most certainly agree with those that think Trayvon was murdered, but this is just the city council pandering to voters.

    They should concentrate more on finding operational efficiencies.

  3. #3


    Speaking of things not politically correct, you gotta love the 2nd viewer's comment "Joanne's arm is up because someone asked, 'Who wants bacon?'.

  4. #4


    Without coming off as totally racist, can someone please explain to me just WTF Trayvon Martin's death in another State has to do with COD business? LOVE the bacon comment by the way. Mam?

  5. #5


    You've been in town a long while, man. You're just being rhetorical, right?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Eric_c View Post
    You've been in town a long while, man. You're just being rhetorical, right?
    "Same as it ever was......."

  7. #7


    They really don't have much else to do at the moment.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Yeah, probably just bored because they no longer have any decisionmaking power. Might as well pander to the lowest common denominator.

  9. #9


    This make a lot of sense, if you accept that Detroit's problems are the result of vast right-wing Wall Street conspiracy. SYG is not much different than EM laws.

    If you can rid the world of these problems, flowers will bloom.

  10. #10


    Somebody get me a bucket.....

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    This make a lot of sense, if you accept that Detroit's problems are the result of vast right-wing Wall Street conspiracy. SYG is not much different than EM laws.

    If you can rid the world of these problems, flowers will bloom.
    Well put..... BS does makes flowers bloom.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Yeah, probably just bored because they no longer have any decisionmaking power. Might as well pander to the lowest common denominator.
    I doubt it. I firmly maintain that this still would have happened if Council had money and decision making power. In fact, they'd probably find a way to throw money at it.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    Well put..... BS does makes flowers bloom.
    Underneath this, the real problem is that Detroit voters are more concerned with imagined oppression than real problems.

    You want a real problem? Look around you. Shooting deaths weekly, often with dead kids in your city. Or even the plight of pensioners in bankruptcy. Hold a rally to support your pensioners vs. bondholders. I may not agree, but I would applaud council and mayor taking positions here and rallying support.

    And while I'm on the soapbox -- can we stop repeating the 'woo is me' that council and mayor have no power. They have a lot of power. They can't spend money -- but they can focus the thoughts, goals, dreams and aspirations of their citizens all day long. Good leaders don't whine about loss of administrative power -- they take action to do good for their community. Nothing is stopping the council or mayor from leading the population. Church leaders don't control the public purse strings. And they have impact. Jesse Jackson is a fool, but at least he leads. So can council, if they weren't useless fools.

  14. #14

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