Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1
    DarkestbeforedawnDetroit Guest

    Default Does the Federal Government hate Detroit

    Im always hearing conspiracy theories about the government not caring about Detroit jusrt wondering everybodies thoughts on this matter.

  2. #2


    Why is there one of the largest Federal courts in the country, the FBI, DEA, and so many other federal offices and agencies?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    Why is there one of the largest Federal courts in the country, the FBI, DEA, and so many other federal offices and agencies?
    Why did Obama go out on a limb and bail out the auto industry?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkestbeforedawnDetroit View Post
    Im always hearing conspiracy theories about the government not caring about Detroit jusrt wondering everybodies thoughts on this matter.
    Why are you asking this question?

  5. #5


    It's just like Mitt Romney Said. "Let Detroit go Bankrupt!"

  6. #6


    Are you referring to the current Democratic Administration, the previous Republican one, any and all, or is it just a dumb, baseless question?

  7. #7


    Just like many of Windsor's problems can be attributed to incredibly bad and short-sightd decisions made at the highest levels of Canadian government, Detroit's economic and social problems were the direct result of disastrous decisions made at the highest levels of American government over the last half century.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkestbeforedawnDetroit View Post
    Im always hearing conspiracy theories about the government not caring about Detroit jusrt wondering everybodies thoughts on this matter.
    No, the federal government doesn't hate Detroit.

    If that were the case, then the state of Michigan damn sure hates Detroit.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by 313WX View Post
    No, the federal government doesn't hate Detroit.

    If that were the case, then the state of Michigan damn sure hates Detroit.

    The Republican dominate Michigan Legislature hates liberal Detroit.

  10. #10


    Danny with all due respect Romney has never held a position with the federal government and there is a big difference between the States and the feds.

  11. #11


    The Obamanator can't parachute in with huge bags of money because Congress has turned off the money spigot.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPlanner View Post
    Danny with all due respect Romney has never held a position with the federal government and there is a big difference between the States and the feds.

    But his political quotes really hurt Detroiters. Romney sees Detroit as poor black liberal city with financial problems and don't deserve any more money.

  13. #13


    i dont know about the premise of this topic but i can say the NHL refs HATE the red wings


    wing nut

  14. #14
    stevenh Guest


    Obama is not going to place a bet on a horse headed to the glue factory....

  15. #15


    I don't think the government hates Detroit. I just wish everyone- including those in DC- would realize that our problems cannot be fixed elsewhere.

  16. #16


    I'm going to go out on a limb and cite an actual source:

    I think Detroit is totally unique,” Buckfire said. “It doesn’t set a precedent for anybody else. You’re talking about a city which has been hammered by two incredibly major trends. One is the decline of its core manufacturing base, which we all know about. Second, is the sheer political mismanagement ...

    “Maybe you could have survived one; you can’t survive both"
    The Detroit Free Press 7-11-13

    The Feds don't hate Detroit. At worst, the Feds have had ambivalent relationship with Detroit. You could have thrown ten billion dollars at Detroit, either by way of Hitler or Stalin, and the result would have been the same with the leadership here.

    Meanwhile you have those on each end of the spectrum with room temperature IQ who blame President Obama or the legislature.

    The fact is that as wonderful as democracy is, people like that - like those two people present here as examples for us all - unfortunately have been voting, without being educated in any way, shape, or form, and have left us with the mess we have on our hands now.

    The blame is not with the Feds, or the Japanese, or labor, or President Obama, or Mitt Romney. It lands squarely at home.

  17. #17
    stevenh Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by poobert View Post
    I'm going to go out on a limb and cite an actual source:

    I think Detroit is totally unique,” Buckfire said. “It doesn’t set a precedent for anybody else. You’re talking about a city which has been hammered by two incredibly major trends. One is the decline of its core manufacturing base, which we all know about. Second, is the sheer political mismanagement ...

    “Maybe you could have survived one; you can’t survive both"
    The Detroit Free Press 7-11-13

    The Feds don't hate Detroit. At worst, the Feds have had ambivalent relationship with Detroit. You could have thrown ten billion dollars at Detroit, either by way of Hitler or Stalin, and the result would have been the same with the leadership here.

    Meanwhile you have those on each end of the spectrum with room temperature IQ who blame President Obama or the legislature.

    The fact is that as wonderful as democracy is, people like that - like those two people present here as examples for us all - unfortunately have been voting, without being educated in any way, shape, or form, and have left us with the mess we have on our hands now.

    The blame is not with the Feds, or the Japanese, or labor, or President Obama, or Mitt Romney. It lands squarely at home.
    Yep... bout sums it up.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by poobert View Post
    I'm going to go out on a limb and cite an actual source:

    I think Detroit is totally unique,” Buckfire said. “It doesn’t set a precedent for anybody else. You’re talking about a city which has been hammered by two incredibly major trends. One is the decline of its core manufacturing base, which we all know about. Second, is the sheer political mismanagement ...

    “Maybe you could have survived one; you can’t survive both"
    The Detroit Free Press 7-11-13

    The Feds don't hate Detroit. At worst, the Feds have had ambivalent relationship with Detroit. You could have thrown ten billion dollars at Detroit, either by way of Hitler or Stalin, and the result would have been the same with the leadership here.

    Meanwhile you have those on each end of the spectrum with room temperature IQ who blame President Obama or the legislature.

    The fact is that as wonderful as democracy is, people like that - like those two people present here as examples for us all - unfortunately have been voting, without being educated in any way, shape, or form, and have left us with the mess we have on our hands now.

    The blame is not with the Feds, or the Japanese, or labor, or President Obama, or Mitt Romney. It lands squarely at home.
    I still think Obama should have sent us some, you know, bacon. In return for our votes.

  19. #19


    Personally, I think that's an absurd assumption. What would be the premise for the Federal Government to hate Detroit. You can't even put a sentence together properly. In fact, what's the point of your post? There are about 2,854,251 Federal employees.

    Financial Administration
    Other Government Administration
    Judicial and Legal
    Air Transportation
    Water Transport & Terminals
    Public Welfare
    Social Insurance Administration
    Parks and Recreation
    Housing and Community Development
    Natural Resources
    Nat Defense/International Relations
    Postal Service
    Space Research & Technology
    Other Education*
    U.S. Coast Guard
    U.S. Secret Service
    Bureau of Customs and Border Protection
    Federal Emergency Management Agency
    Transportation Security Agency

    Is it the Highway Dept. The U.S Coast Guard, Space Research and Technology, Parks and Recreation that are out to take down Deroit?

    Maybe they hate Dubuque. I've heard rumors they have a vendetta for Wichita too.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    This is one of the more intelligent boards I've ever had the pleasure to be involved with. Even with people I disagree with there is an amount of thoughtfulness that I appreciate. You put a question out there that was vague and you didn't help things by not putting any skin in the game by giving your thoughts on the matter. To then come back and call us retards and imply that you are disappointed because this wasn't an educated thread makes me think you would be better off posting with the Freep or News boards
    I agree this is an intelligent board, so amazed at what folks will share.

  21. #21


    The idea is that the feds have to "prove their love" and the only way to show love is to shower money on clownsil to be pissed away into the abyss that is the Detroit fisc.

  22. #22


    I don't think that the feds hate Detroit. Detroit had managed to slap away the feds helping hand. Remember Coleman Young calling President Reagan "prune face". The Bing administration had sat on money sent to Detroit from the feds. The money had to be sent back. LaHood came to Detroit to see the light rail project get off the ground but Snyder and Bing had stalled that idea for a couple of years. I still don't see any progress with that. GM is not Detroit.

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by stasu1213 View Post
    LaHood came to Detroit to see the light rail project get off the ground but Snyder and Bing had stalled that idea for a couple of years. I still don't see any progress with that.
    Not sure what you mean here...light rail project is a done deal. Shovels will be in the ground fairly soon. I admit that the progress is all behind the scenes in terms of design stages, contracts, etc. but this project is a total go.

    Feds don't hate Detroit. If anything, they've been more helpful than hurtful. Buckfire said it best. You can't combine the depletion of manufacturing with decades of mismanagement; it's a disaster.

    The worst thing about it? You blame the management and they point to the depletion of manufacturing. You blame the depletion of manufacturing, they point to the mismanagement.

    The reality is that they are both to blame, and to some extent they both could have been minimized or avoided.

  24. #24


    you know who hates detroit?

    detroit hates detroit.

    how else do you figure rennovating a building for police and fire headquarters
    while closing police and fire stations?
    Last edited by compn; July-14-13 at 03:09 PM.

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