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  1. #1

    Default Downtown Detroit Helicopter Tours Coming Soon!

    Hello! I am working on starting a helicopter tour business in Downtown soon. Detroit attracts over 19 million tourists a year, and it's growing! But, they're getting tired of the current options. Everything is going good, but I need YOUR help! This DOES NOT require any monetary support, just a simple click. if you go to http://www.startgarden.com/ ,you will need to sign in using Facebook. after that, go to the Ideas page [[Ideas tab should be at top of page) then find XOGI Tours. Simply click the picture, and click "endorse". It means a lot to me! I really want this in Detroit, and if this succeeds, I will personally continue to grow the tourist market in Detroit, by adding speedboat tours, double-decker bus tours, and eventually, Detroit's first SkyDeck. Thanks so much!

  2. #2


    There is no way Detroit even attracts 1 millions tourists a year

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Cliffy View Post
    There is no way Detroit even attracts 1 millions tourists a year
    No, over 19 million visitors. Crazy, I know!

  4. #4


    You're not going to be doing any "Ghetto Gawking" tours, are you?

  5. #5


    I love your enthusiasm - but I have no desire to hear helicopters overhead.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    You're not going to be doing any "Ghetto Gawking" tours, are you?
    Lol, no. What is that?

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by jw101 View Post
    Lol, no. What is that?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by marshamusic View Post
    I love your enthusiasm - but I have no desire to hear helicopters overhead.
    You live downtown? I've been to Myrtle Beach, home of the $20 helicopter tour!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by jw101 View Post
    You live downtown? I've been to Myrtle Beach, home of the $20 helicopter tour!
    Close enough.

  10. #10


    The NAIAS brings around 100K non-detroiters each year. the electronic music festival, hoedown and jazz festival all bring in international visitors. Detroit isn't a giant tourist destination, but it is growing. Get good retail and a couple more theatres going and it could be on its way to being one

  11. #11

    Default Not even 1Million tourists to Detroit

    Quote Originally Posted by marshamusic View Post
    Close enough.
    Detroit won't be in the bigtime until it becomes one of the top 10 or top 5 tourist destinations. It's nowhere near that.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Cliffy View Post
    There is no way Detroit even attracts 1 millions tourists a year
    Detroit has casinos, big conventions, concerts and sporting events, and tunnels and bridges to Canada. It doesn't matter if visitors are in-state. They are still tourists if they are coming into the city and spending money at area attractions and staying overnight in downtown hotels.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Chicago48 View Post
    Detroit won't be in the bigtime until it becomes one of the top 10 or top 5 tourist destinations. It's nowhere near that.
    Cities reach bigtime when they become large destinations for international travelers. Those are the people that spend alot. Good news is the whole state of Michigan has alot to offer, so Detroit should become part of that larger travel package. Getting alot of international visitors downtown is also one of the key components of building a top notch retail scene. Great thing is Detroit already has a lot of international notoriety, and it's nothing mean spirited like you find here in the U.S.

  14. #14


    Originally Posted by marshamusic
    Close enough.

    Detroit won't be in the bigtime until it becomes one of the top 10 or top 5 tourist destinations. It's nowhere near that.

    ... this has to do with helicopters overhead?

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by marshamusic View Post
    I love your enthusiasm - but I have no desire to hear helicopters overhead.
    +1^ I have experienced helicopter joy rides / tours buzzing over me along Miami area beaches. They ruin the ambience of the setting to the point of drowning out conversation.

    So hopefully any planned flights will be at least 3000 feet or higher. Otherwise the peace of thousands may be disrupted for the thrill of a few.

    Does anyone know the FAA airspace / noise abatement regulations on such commercial flying joy rides? It seems that there are none in South Florida.

  16. #16


    Why not do copter service from Detroit to, say, Traverse City? I mean, if they're doing it from NYC to the Hamptons...

  17. #17


    Dont forget the thousands that come each year for family reunions. Detroit is akways a top destination. Also residents, I would like to try it.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by 48205to24 View Post
    Dont forget the thousands that come each year for family reunions. Detroit is akways a top destination. Also residents, I would like to try it.
    See! not a bad idea at all. I was thinking the tour would begin close to belle isle, travel to MCS, then Packard, then Heidleberg, then back.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Cliffy View Post
    There is no way Detroit even attracts 1 millions tourists a year
    The 7.2SquareMile Report tallied up 10M annual visitors just to greater downtown alone. The Tigers had what, 3M in attendance last year? Those are mostly non-Detroiters I'd wager.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by jw101 View Post
    See! not a bad idea at all. I was thinking the tour would begin close to belle isle, travel to MCS, then Packard, then Heidleberg, then back.
    Hold a contest! Do a slow decent next to one of the Brewster Project towers. The first passenger that figures out what the scribbling on the walls say WINS a bag of White Castles from 12th and MI Ave. You could land @ the Tiger Stadium field and pick them up.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; July-09-13 at 02:43 PM.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    You're not going to be doing any "Ghetto Gawking" tours, are you?
    Quote Originally Posted by jw101 View Post
    Lol, no. What is that?
    It's this...

    Quote Originally Posted by jw101 View Post
    See! not a bad idea at all. I was thinking the tour would begin close to belle isle, travel to MCS, then Packard, then Heidleberg, then back.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by TexasT View Post
    The 7.2SquareMile Report tallied up 10M annual visitors just to greater downtown alone. The Tigers had what, 3M in attendance last year? Those are mostly non-Detroiters I'd wager.
    I consider a tourist coming in from outside Michigan not me driving from my suburb 15 mins away down to a Tigers game.

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Zug View Post
    It's this...
    LOL. Things are still in development that's just a thought. Any better route suggestions?

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Lowell View Post
    +1^ I have experienced helicopter joy rides / tours buzzing over me along Miami area beaches. They ruin the ambience of the setting to the point of drowning out conversation.

    So hopefully any planned flights will be at least 3000 feet or higher. Otherwise the peace of thousands may be disrupted for the thrill of a few.

    Does anyone know the FAA airspace / noise abatement regulations on such commercial flying joy rides? It seems that there are none in South Florida.
    Miami is pretty liberal or busy chasing drug planes,Kissimmee [[kiss-a-me) helo tours have a specific pattern over no residential and only during certain hours disrespecting ones right to peace and quiet would make you a moving target sans the rules it is not tolerated.

    If I am not out of line, Fly By Mike used to post here he would probably have some knowledge , it is not like you can just throw a helo up there at will.

    But something that promotes and profits from tourism in the city in a positive and respectful way would be a big plus.

  25. #25


    My zip line tour I'm planning from the Ren Cen to Fisher building will cut into your business.

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