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  1. #1

    Default Gary Brown to resign from council to become Orr's 2nd.


    The one person on council I felt actually deserved demonization, also the one to skate the most.

    He was pushing the hardest for state control, so I guess this is his Scooby Snack.

    Gonna be interesting the bullshit the Federal is going to turn up.

    Snyder and [[especially) Dillon are one step from contempt and two steps from perjury.

  2. #2


    Brown has his own personal vendetta against the DPD and he's the one person who does not need to be in charge of anything regarding Detroit. He's a millionaire [[deserved) whistleblower, why is he so interested now?

  3. #3


    I have officially lost all respect for Orr.

  4. #4


    wow.. this is-- perhaps not completely surprising, but the "optics" of it are certainly not in Mr. Brown's favor. He certainly doesn't need the money [[nor did he for council, but at least there was a presumed level of working within a traditional democratic framework).

    If/when Brown does take this role, does he get paid from the state? if so, how much? would it be more or less money than his council role? is it just a flat salary with no benefits?

    What, exactly, would a deputy EM be charged with doing, that, relatively speaking, the sitting Mayor wouldn't be charged with doing, sine "the buck stops" with the EM, ultimately?

  5. #5


    Good to see Brown potentially ending up in a key role. I think he is head and shoulders more competent and focused than all others on council. Good pick by Orr. I continue to be impressed.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by sypo View Post
    Good to see Brown potentially ending up in a key role. I think he is head and shoulders more competent and focused than all others on council. Good pick by Orr. I continue to be impressed.
    Could not agree more. Well stated.

  7. #7


    There is nothing particularly "competent" that Gary Brown has done that supports his being considered head and shoulders above everyone else on council. Agreeing with the governor on everything doesn't count as competence. Competence implies having accomplished something, designed something, discovered something, done something successfully.

    What profound ideas have come from Gary Brown? He has been advocating that DPD can still be cut while the EM is saying it needs to be built up. In fact, "cut, cut, cut" is all Gary Brown has advocated on council while the EM is really saying the city can't afford to cut anymore. No, this is his reward for carrying the state's water. Especially since he won't be re-elected to anything in Detroit right now.

    His new role will however give him an opportunity to reveal just how competent he is or is not.

    But maybe I'm just not comfortable yet with the sneaky way he and his attorney extracted his millions. I'm afraid I'm starting to see a trend.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Locke09 View Post
    There is nothing particularly "competent" that Gary Brown has done that supports his being considered head and shoulders above everyone else on council. Agreeing with the governor on everything doesn't count as competence. Competence implies having accomplished something, designed something, discovered something, done something successfully.

    What profound ideas have come from Gary Brown? He has been advocating that DPD can still be cut while the EM is saying it needs to be built up. In fact, "cut, cut, cut" is all Gary Brown has advocated on council while the EM is really saying the city can't afford to cut anymore. No, this is his reward for carrying the state's water. Especially since he won't be re-elected to anything in Detroit right now.

    His new role will however give him an opportunity to reveal just how competent he is or is not.

    But maybe I'm just not comfortable yet with the sneaky way he and his attorney extracted his millions. I'm afraid I'm starting to see a trend.
    Well said Locke09. Competence first and foremost involves being objective, just not rubber stamping everything to serve your self-interest.

  9. #9


    You people remind me of those whiney Republicans who will do anything, say anything about Barak Obama just because they don't like him. Whineyweiners.

    the reason Detroit is in the situation it is in is due to people like you.

    people who refused to see the truth years ago, who doubled-down on the status quo, who are so ossified in their thinking, they think anyone who speaks against them is either a racist or a Tom.

    you killed this city. One chip bag at a time, one brother-in-law on the payroll, one pastor on the take. One blind eye. One help a brother out. One spilled 40. One krylon masterpiece at a time.

    kevin Orr is the last hope, you better hope he succeeds and you should help him in every way possible.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by 313WX View Post
    I have officially lost all respect for Orr.
    Bump for council & the mayor back on the payroll.

  11. #11


    Don't forget one heaping tablespoon of 'they do it too' justification!

    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    ...you killed this city. One chip bag at a time, one brother-in-law on the payroll, one pastor on the take. One blind eye. One help a brother out. One spilled 40. One krylon masterpiece at a time.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    You people remind me of those whiney Republicans who will do anything, say anything about Barak Obama just because they don't like him. Whineyweiners.

    the reason Detroit is in the situation it is in is due to people like you.

    people who refused to see the truth years ago, who doubled-down on the status quo, who are so ossified in their thinking, they think anyone who speaks against them is either a racist or a Tom.

    you killed this city. One chip bag at a time, one brother-in-law on the payroll, one pastor on the take. One blind eye. One help a brother out. One spilled 40. One krylon masterpiece at a time.

    kevin Orr is the last hope, you better hope he succeeds and you should help him in every way possible.
    I'm not sure who "you people" are. But:

    I never voted for Kwame Kilpatrick , was too young to vote for Coleman Young initially and thought he should retire by the time I was old enough to vote for him.

    I have never called anyone a Tom or racist. I stick to a discussion of actions and their impact, not personalities.

    I despise littering, rarely drink, never hired a relative or friend [[and frown upon people who do), have personally called out preachers and the role they played in propping up bad leadership, and talk about personal responsibility to young and old alike all the time.

    And the words: "They do it too" have never come out of my mouth, not even when I was a child.

    I do however reserve the right to question the actions of any and everyone. I don't believe anyone is the "last hope" for anything and I would therefore even question someone who is supposed to be the "Messiah."

    I believe we are in the most danger when we think the latest savior is above reproach and his/her actions are not ever to be questioned. So anytime someone presents a plan, I will scrutinize that plan.

    Gary Brown has done nothing that warrants claims that he is competent to run the City - which seems to be what he will be doing while Orr concentrates on the finances - if the media is to be believed.

    P.S. being willing to help anyone in "every way possible" is a particularly scary notion because it implies a willingness to do anything, without thinking critically, even when it is immoral, unethical or just plain doesn't make sense.
    Last edited by Locke09; June-22-13 at 11:30 AM. Reason: needed a post script

  13. #13


    That is the result of the loss of BLACK POWER leadership in Detroit city government. Kwame Kenyatta is gone and so is Gary Brown.

    When a 7 council evil ward system and a new mayor is in place come November, these officials will be do-nothings and political puppets working for Synder, the Nerd.


  14. #14


    Bottomline - Gary Brown offered constructive, well intentioned and rational discussion at the council table. He will offer good ideas re: re-structuring DPD and other depts that need thorough re-engineering and privatizing. Another good move by Mr. Orr! Keep it up!

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Locke09 View Post
    There is nothing particularly "competent" that Gary Brown has done that supports his being considered head and shoulders above everyone else on council. Agreeing with the governor on everything doesn't count as competence. Competence implies having accomplished something, designed something, discovered something, done something successfully.

    What profound ideas have come from Gary Brown? He has been advocating that DPD can still be cut while the EM is saying it needs to be built up. In fact, "cut, cut, cut" is all Gary Brown has advocated on council while the EM is really saying the city can't afford to cut anymore. No, this is his reward for carrying the state's water. Especially since he won't be re-elected to anything in Detroit right now.

    His new role will however give him an opportunity to reveal just how competent he is or is not.

    But maybe I'm just not comfortable yet with the sneaky way he and his attorney extracted his millions. I'm afraid I'm starting to see a trend.
    I agree. Gary Brown is nobody special. He's getting into this for his own personal satisfaction and gain. I mean, I'd ride off into the sunset, with my million dollar payoff, never to be heard from again.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    I agree. Gary Brown is nobody special. He's getting into this for his own personal satisfaction and gain. I mean, I'd ride off into the sunset, with my million dollar payoff, never to be heard from again.
    ...and there's a better option?

    Look at your mayoral candidates, folks. Take what you can get.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Locke09 View Post
    this is his reward for carrying the state's water
    Bingo. No other mainstream politician in Detroit did Snyder's dirty work, so Brown was the obvious choice.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by michimoby View Post
    ...and there's a better option?

    Look at your mayoral candidates, folks. Take what you can get.
    Who's to say he is a better option besides you ? I find Gary Brown to be self-serving. " I mean like, what's in it for me"?

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Locke09 View Post
    There is nothing particularly "competent" that Gary Brown has done that supports his being considered head and shoulders above everyone else on council. Agreeing with the governor on everything doesn't count as competence. Competence implies having accomplished something, designed something, discovered something, done something successfully.

    What profound ideas have come from Gary Brown? He has been advocating that DPD can still be cut while the EM is saying it needs to be built up. In fact, "cut, cut, cut" is all Gary Brown has advocated on council while the EM is really saying the city can't afford to cut anymore. No, this is his reward for carrying the state's water. Especially since he won't be re-elected to anything in Detroit right now.

    His new role will however give him an opportunity to reveal just how competent he is or is not.

    But maybe I'm just not comfortable yet with the sneaky way he and his attorney extracted his millions. I'm afraid I'm starting to see a trend.
    WTF are you talking about? What sneaky way did he extract millions?
    Are you asserting that Gary Brown perpetrated some kind of nefarious scheme to frame Kwame Kilpatrick just so Brown could win a whistleblower lawsuit and then become a tool for a governor who nobody even thought was a legitimate candidate at the time?

    And what the fuck do you mean by "this is his reward for carrying the state's water."?

    I love my city, and I frequently call out the shortcomings of our state government, but the city of Detroit is not a sovereign entity, and the state of Mighigan is not an enemy of Detroit, nor is the state some kind of evil organization that is hell-bent on hurting Detroit.

    I hear the anti-EM and anti-state accusations. but what exactly is behind the fears? What do you think that the state/governor/EM is going to do to hurt the city of Detroit?

    Is the state and EM going to make Belle Isle like Milliken State Park on the riverfront? I surely hope so, because MSP is a wonderful asset to the city and city residents. Is the state and EM going to regionalize DWSD? If the city can retain ownership and a significant voice in operations, and finally collect a steady revenue stream from this asset, this is a huge win. When we regionalized Cobo, the city saved $15 million a year, and the funding and maintenance costs were shifted to the region. The city still owns Cobo, but the entire region is now responsible for the costs of expansion, maintenance and operations.

    For years, we have been saying that the region and state should step up and shoulder some of the costs that Detroit has been paying for decades to support regional assets. Now that Detroit is broke, the region and state are finally starting to step up to fund things like Cobo, Belle Isle, the DIA, the Detroit Zoo, etc.

    Finally the rest of Michigan is stepping up to help out, so what is the problem?

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by erikd View Post

    Finally the rest of Michigan is stepping up to help out, so what is the problem?
    The problem is that some Detroiters think that the financial assistance should be on our terms.

    Other Detroiters don't care whose terms it's under...only about the level of service they are receiving.

    The first group is getting a reality check right now. And the 2nd group is starting to get better service.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by erikd View Post
    WTF are you talking about? What sneaky way did he extract millions?
    Are you asserting that Gary Brown perpetrated some kind of nefarious scheme to frame Kwame Kilpatrick just so Brown could win a whistleblower lawsuit and then become a tool for a governor who nobody even thought was a legitimate candidate at the time?

    And what the fuck do you mean by "this is his reward for carrying the state's water."?
    I'll just respond to your first two questions because I decided to ignore everything else after the unnecessary cursing assuming it would just be more filth.

    Surely you took the time to recall, before replying to me, how the jury had awarded Brown 6.5 million. Kilpatrick was set to appeal the case. Brown's attorney, with text messages he was not supposed to have as they were supposed to have been sent directly to the judge, let Kilpatrick know he had the text messages and asked Kilpatrick to agree to a settlement. They crafted an agreement for 8.5 million that was sent to City Council for approval, without revealing to Council why they all of a sudden decided to settle. His attorney, along with others, was disciplined. I for one don't believe that Brown was not aware of all of this so I consider him to have been a part of this underhandedness that resulted in the City paying more than it might otherwise have. If you will let the ends justify the means in one situation you'll do it in another so you are sneaky in my book. My opinion and I'm sticking with it.

    I mean he carried the governor's water by siding with the state on every thing it proposed for the City. He was the only councilmember to vote against appealing to the governor to not appoint an emergency manager. Whether you agree with him or not he was the one always siding with Lansing no matter what Lansing proposed.

    Now you know what the f I meant and you can disagree as vehemently as you like.

  22. #22


    Oh my Locke09 - what a crazy review of what happened.

    The trial jury unanimously voted to find KK guilty of wrongful termination and awarded Brown a good amount- his prospective pay of at least 10 years and damages, because KK 's actions were egregious and KK lied about what he had done. "Outraged" KK vows to appeal- fully knowing that he lied under oath about several key points. That's just his outraged narcissitic self. He was so used to having his public believe all his lies. He was furious to be caught in his lies.

    Brown was not at fault. The City had to pay out the award because the jury found KK lied.

    I guess you think that KK would have prevailed on appeal- and that would have been alright with you, I guess, even though he was LYING.
    On appeal, the judge would have had those messages for sure. That's why KK wanted them buried. And agreeing to the burial is one reason why Brown's lawyer was cited, but he was just trying to shut down a time-consuming and expensive bogus appeal. His client was going to get them money regardless - it was only a question of when.

    Can you imagine what would have happened if the judge had had those texts when KK tried his little appeal? Lucky for him he never had the chance.

    KK is the liar. He is the rip-off artist. HE is the person responsible for the 8 million loss. He is the scum. Brown was an innocent party
    Last edited by SWMAP; June-24-13 at 10:23 AM. Reason: Not good at phobne typing.

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by SWMAP View Post
    Oh my - what a crazy review of what hapened. The trial jury unanimously voted to find KK guilty of wrongful termination and awarded Brown a good amount- his prospective pay and damagrs because KK 's actions were egregious and he lied about what he had done. KKvows to apeal- fully knowing that he lied under oath about several key points. That's just his outraged narcissitic self. He was so used to having his public believe all his lies.
    Brown was not at fault. The City had to pay out the award because the jury found KK lied.
    I guess you think that KK would have prevailed on appeal- although still transparently lying. On appeal, the judgevwould have had those messages for sure. That's why Kk wanted them buried. And Kk would have gone directly to jail if he lied again under oath.
    KK is the liar. He is the rip-off artist. HE is the person responsible for the 84 million loss. He is the scum. Brown was an innocent party.
    You forgot to move the decimal point.

  24. #24


    "I hear the anti-EM and anti-state accusations. but what exactly is behind the fears? What do you think that the state/governor/EM is going to do to hurt the city of Detroit?"

    I guess you missed how Orr's actions so far have managed to send the City's bond rating to the lowest possible rating. Some may say that was inevitable but so far, Orr's actions have been doing harm, not helping, the city.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Novine View Post
    "I hear the anti-EM and anti-state accusations. but what exactly is behind the fears? What do you think that the state/governor/EM is going to do to hurt the city of Detroit?"

    I guess you missed how Orr's actions so far have managed to send the City's bond rating to the lowest possible rating. Some may say that was inevitable but so far, Orr's actions have been doing harm, not helping, the city.
    This isn't a bad thing. I prefer that Orr continue to put residents before bondholders and pensioners.

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