Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1

    Default Interview with project architect for new Red Wings arena

    Q&A with NBBJ, the design firm tapped for the arena. A few quotes:

    Their primary interest is making sure that the investments that they’ve made in the Fox Theatre and in the existing Tigers stadium are reinforced and enhanced with this new project. They want to reinforce that area right now, but there are still quite a few holes. They want to expand it and they like the idea of moving northward because they think Midtown is the sort of happening place. They also think that Woodward is super-important as a primary address. And you don’t have to go more than a couple of blocks before you see activity on Woodward again.

    But we’re not looking at a big shopping center. We’re looking at a good, urban district that has good, active street life. And we’re looking at the kind of street life that doesn’t necessarily depend on game days. We’re looking at something that can be more year round.

    A lot of people have talked about the barn [[Olympia Stadium) and how intimate the barn felt. I think that’s a major factor [[in the design stage right now). [[With a release of renderings to the public) that remains to be seen.

    It’s amazing that this is one of the few places in the country where you have football, baseball and hockey in one very tight location. You add the theaters to that and you really got a year-round entertainment destination. It’s unrivaled, really.


  2. #2


    This addresses many of the fears some have had. I'm liking what I'm hearing so far...but I'd like a rendering. Oh...and take care of all the jazz about getting a multilayered multi-entity financing plan together

  3. #3


    I'm also pleased they have all the land acquired that they need to build the arena itself. I know he has bought a ton of land in there, but not sure exactly what plots he owns and was concerned a holdout might become a threat to the project.

  4. #4


    I hope the comments about olympia means the new arena will be intimate, not that the new arena will be themed after the old one.

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