Our group is only weeks away from receiving our 501[[c)[[3) Non-Profit status for the Michigan Avenue Coalition. This summer, we are looking to start work on Lafayette Boulevard between 6th and 10th in Corktown, with the long term plan to go from Campus Martius to St. Anne's Detroit. We do have a couple meetings arranged with the Parks and Recreation department and with the City Planning Dept. to discuss the potential project.
This summer we would like to construct 3-5 raised garden beds and place them on the grass separating, Lafayette from the sidewalk. The area is roughly 10.5 Feet wide, which could create a great barrier between the sidewalk and street eventually. Within these [[small) raised garden beds, we would like to start planting Sunflowers, Lilac Bushes and Lilies.
Any comments or suggestions of additional work to look at?
If you would like more detailed information, send an email to Mi.avenue.coalition@gmail.com