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  1. #1

    Default Detroit EM: Call me names, but I need your help

    From article:

    ...Orr laid out his plans to Detroit residents Monday evening at Wayne State University's Law School. The public informational meeting was required under Michigan's Local Financial Stability and Choice Act.

    Orr, a Washington-based bankruptcy attorney, told about 250 people inside the law school auditorium -- as he has said since his March 25 hiring -- that he wants to steer Detroit clear of a Chapter 9 municipal bankruptcy. He is scheduled to meet Friday with dozens of creditors and debt-holders, including banks and unions.

    He hopes to work out deals and reach concessions to cut deeply into Detroit's more than $14 billion in long-term debt.

    At times Monday, Orr challenged and even implored residents to be part of the solution as he tries to right Detroit.

    "You can call me bad names, but I need your help," he said. "This is not going to be easy. It's going to be hard, but we can do it."

  2. #2


    WHAT City was this in again????? WOW, nice!

  3. #3


    I knew about the public meeting and would have loved to attend but just can't stand the hoots and howls from the attendees. Case in point: Bing being chased ouT of King High School. The meeting was shut down. This is when I am embarassed being Detroit. Everyone should be heard in a civil fashion.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by sumas View Post
    I knew about the public meeting and would have loved to attend but just can't stand the hoots and howls from the attendees. Case in point: Bing being chased ouT of King High School. The meeting was shut down. This is when I am embarassed being Detroit. Everyone should be heard in a civil fashion.
    More then that, the choices for a way out of this financial mess are limited. He's no dummy, and seems to speak straight up. I prefer that to someone painting a rosy picture of what life could be like. Give him a shot, and let's see what he's capable of acomplishing.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by sumas View Post
    ... Case in point: Bing being chased ouT of King High School. The meeting was shut down. This is when I am embarassed being Detroit. Everyone should be heard in a civil fashion.

    Funny, as I recall that incident, Bing had about as much respect for the audience as the audience had for him. Bing chose to leave the meeting rather than stand up to some tough questions. They say if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, but he chose to run for mayor and should stand the heat whether he likes it or not.

  6. #6


    And let's face it, even if you don't support the idea of an EM, we have to support him now because if he fails, we are all royally effed.

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