Thankfully for the City and its taxpayers, the Court of Appeals was not swayed by Mr. Kilpatrick's and his police department's sketchy conduct in the Greene investigation, nor by Mr. Kilpatrick's criminal behavior as mayor in general.
The plaintiffs' attorney, Norman Yatooma, tried to bootstrap Kilpatrick corruption into a multi-million payout, but the appellate court did not lose sight of the true legal issues. It concluded that the evidence failed to prove a likelihood that the killer[[s) would have been found even if the sketchy Kilpatrick/police conduct had not occurred. Yes, Mr. Kilpatrick and his police department were corrupt, but the law doesn't allow that fact alone to support a million dollar payday to Ms. Greene's family.
The only recourse for the plaintiffs now is the US Supreme Court. Hopefully it will affirm the appellate court.