I have found myself thinking a lot about the upcoming race for mayor. To quote the tired cliché this is the most important election in history. I happen to believe that unfortunately. I think there are many people on the cusp of leaving the city for good and this election and the performance of the person we elect will dictate whether this city gets turned around or not. On the other hand I am also very cynical about this election as well. I'm tired of the same old promises with no detailed plan as to how those promises will become reality. Mr Napoleon says he's going to create a one stop shop for businesses to get there permits instead of the hoops they have to run thru now. Wow ! where did I hear that from.. I guess just about every candidate since CAY. It didn't get done then what makes Benny think its going to happen now. It sounds like blowing smoke up the voters butt. I think this election is too important for that. To that end I wonder what the folks on here think about establishing a report card with obtainable and measurable goals and actually holding the candidates accountable for those goals. After all our politicians are pushing merit pay for our gov't employees such as teachers based on results such as testing. I think turnabout is fair play.