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  1. #1

    Default Detroit's Mayors Race

    I have found myself thinking a lot about the upcoming race for mayor. To quote the tired cliché this is the most important election in history. I happen to believe that unfortunately. I think there are many people on the cusp of leaving the city for good and this election and the performance of the person we elect will dictate whether this city gets turned around or not. On the other hand I am also very cynical about this election as well. I'm tired of the same old promises with no detailed plan as to how those promises will become reality. Mr Napoleon says he's going to create a one stop shop for businesses to get there permits instead of the hoops they have to run thru now. Wow ! where did I hear that from.. I guess just about every candidate since CAY. It didn't get done then what makes Benny think its going to happen now. It sounds like blowing smoke up the voters butt. I think this election is too important for that. To that end I wonder what the folks on here think about establishing a report card with obtainable and measurable goals and actually holding the candidates accountable for those goals. After all our politicians are pushing merit pay for our gov't employees such as teachers based on results such as testing. I think turnabout is fair play.
    Last edited by firstandten; April-23-13 at 12:27 PM.

  2. #2


    I think holding officeholders accountable for their records vs. their promises is fine, but it doesn't deal with your current issue of trying to figure out who to vote for among non-incumbents.

    The good thing about the promise to reduce red tape is that it isn't something beyond the capacity of the city government. They have a lot more control over the level of red tape, especially in the short term, than they do over the level of crime or the quality of the schools. As you note, that doesn't mean it will actually be done.

  3. #3


    Mike Duggan is in the lead in the polls taking 40% of the vote. Follow by Benny Napoleon by 29%, Crittendon is 3rd in line with 13% Eliza Houze, and Undecided 15%.

  4. #4


    It depends on which poll you read. Last week I saw one in the news that had Napoleon way ahead.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by mwilbert View Post
    I think holding officeholders accountable for their records vs. their promises is fine, but it doesn't deal with your current issue of trying to figure out who to vote for among non-incumbents.
    Good.. no great point ! I think as voters we have to get beyond the platitudes and generalities these candidates are making. For example Mr. Napoleon said he would make sure at least one officer would be assigned part of city that is roughly a square mile. I guess that's a part of community policing that's the thing now days. OK fine, a good start in my opinion, but how is he going to do it and at first blush in most hoods one officer isn't going to be adequate to cover a square mile. San Diego has an average of 3.7 officers per square mile and it doesn't have the crime issues that Detroit has. Another example, I looked at Crittedon's web site and all I see is how the EFM is unconstitutional and we don't have a financial problem we have a collection problem. Maybe the EFM is unconstitutional and maybe not but how does the problem's of Detroit get solved especially when it comes to public safety. Oh ! I know, it gets solved by making sure the same people get constitutionally voted in to office that didn't do anything before the EFM came to town. And if our problems were as simple as collections it would have been solved by now. I guess that somehow as voters we must get beyond this race being a glorified popularity contest. Hell I can say "RUN BENNY RUN" as loud as the next guy. As if that statement is the reason he should be mayor.

  6. #6


    Unless the EM law is overturned by the federal courts, does it really matter who's elected?

    The narcissists who are running [[with maybe the lone exception of one) are going to make sure their checks will continue to be deposited into their bank accounts, first and foremost. That means walking lock step with whatever Kevyn Orr wants [[even if it's against the best interest of Detroiters).

  7. #7


    In a sense yes it does matter. Mr. Orr is about balancing the books and not so much about the city services that people can touch, see and feel. Like getting the thugs off the street, or making sure the lights work, or even making sure that after the thugs shoot you EMS can get there before you bleed out. Also sometime within 6 to 9 months of the new mayors coronation folks are going to want Mr. Orr to ride off into the sunset. At that point do go back to the same old stuff or does the new mayor builds on what ever success Mr. Orr has. So yes, this election is important. Maybe not in the immediate short term but down the line , yes.

  8. #8


    As you can see I am still thinking about this election and how its starting to look like a popularity contest. Benny posts on FB photo-ops with various community people, union leaders, the president and so on. I would like suggestions on what kind of questions that I can present to the candidates. Or what kind of promises should they make to the voters. If the questions could be quantifiable so that we can measure the success or failure so much the better. No more of the "I will reduce crime by putting more officers in the street" nonsense that some people seem to like.

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