Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default What Railroad Station is in this picture?

    It the lower left corner of this 1950's picture of Detroit I found online, is a train station that was in the vicinity of where the Ren center is now.

    My thoughts that it is the former Pere Marquette - C&O Station [?]; that the location would have been around the area of Atwater [the original location of Atwater prior to the street being relocated because of Ren Cen] between Brush St. & Beaubien St.

    What was the actual name & address of this station, and what was the tall tower for that is next to the river.

    Please note, that Atwater was moved east closer to the river when the area was being renovated, thus removing it making the area available for total revamping.

    Thank you for any and all responses.

    Name:  East facing West Riverside 1950's.jpg
Views: 4083
Size:  75.8 KB
    Last edited by admin; April-22-13 at 05:04 PM.

  2. #2


    Is that Beaubien Street Station?

  3. #3


    I would tend to believe that the station is actually on Randolph Street.

  4. #4


    The station is the old Grand Trunk Brush St. passenger depot [[also often called either "Atwater" or "Franklin" for the streets on either side of it). The commuter trains used to come and go from there.

    The tower is the old Robin Hood Flour mill. I remember when they were clearing the land for the Ren Cen they had a hell of a time bringing those big elevator silos down, which delayed the project for a few weeks.

    Here is a DYes thread on the station from a few years back:

  5. #5


    The C&O Pere Marquette used the Union Depot, which stood on the southwest corner of Fort & Third [[closed in 1971, demolished in 1974), where Wayne County Community College is today. You can see those tracks and that station in the upper lefthand portion of the picture you posted at the top of this thread [[which seems to be from the early 1950s, correct?).

    Last edited by EastsideAl; April-22-13 at 02:31 PM.

  6. #6


    Considering that part of the right away is still in the Dequidre Cut, and most of the riverfront is asphalt, could passenger rail be returned to this site? Now, this would require buying out/tearing down or significantly altering the parking garages in the way…but in the sake of public transit, could this be done and would it be successful?

    On a side note; a friend told me a while ago that the Ren Cen has a significant basement that was built to house a future transit station. I always assumed he was false on this, but is there anyone would could shed light?

  7. #7


    Here's a link to a thread from a couple of years ago on this topic.

    And here again is my favorite Detroit poster.

    Name:  c320228348a0e8078d897110.L._AA240_.jpg
Views: 1299
Size:  9.5 KB

  8. #8


    In my opinion that area looks much better now than it did then .

  9. #9


    Fort Street Station is also seen to the West. WC3D now occupies that space.

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