The Knight Arts Challenge Detroit is a $9 million initiative to draw the best and most innovative ideas out of local organizations and individuals seeking to engage and enrich the community through the arts. Whether you’re an independent artist, business, established arts institution, organization or individual – we want to hear from you.

No idea is too large or too small, as long as it follows three basic rules

Your idea is about arts.
Your project takes place in or benefits Detroit.
You find other funding to match Knight Foundation’s grant.

You will have approximately one year from the time you receive the grant to match our funding. If it is a multi-year project, you will have about a year to match each year’s grant amount. Finalists for the challenge will be announced in late spring/early summer 2013, and those projects will be asked to submit a more detailed proposal. Winners will be announced in the fall.

All the application requires is a 150-word description of an idea. The deadline is tonight at midnight.

Apply here: