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  1. #1

    Default Why do so many people in Detroit walk in the street?

    I have lots of thoughts and have hear lots of theories but I cant figure it out, why do people walk in the street in Detroit. I mean grand river, Woodward in some cases. all over the corridor, seems very prevalent in many places, residential streets too.

    I remember I used to do it as a kid, but that was because playing in the street was against the rules, but then I grew up and stopped walking in the street, thats what sidewalks are for.

    Can someone give me an honest answer to this question?

  2. #2


    Why shouldn't they walk in the streets?

  3. #3
    Shollin Guest


    I have wondered this myself. I have never seen more jaywalking than when I was in the city of Detroit. Sometimes it's dangerous. There were teenagers just loitering in the middle of 8 Mile by Livernois. They were just laughing like they were daring someone to hit them.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by iheartthed View Post
    Why shouldn't they walk in the streets?
    Now that is a DETROIT answer!

  5. #5
    Shollin Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by iheartthed View Post
    Why shouldn't they walk in the streets?
    Because it's illegal and dangerous.

  6. #6


    People walk in the streets in plenty of cities, particularly places where traffic isn't prohibitive of doing such. My sister lives in Dallas, and a young pregnant girl she was 'mentoring' got hit by a car while walking in the street, and her baby didn't survive.

  7. #7


    It's their way of being defiant: "I'm gonna walk in the middle of the street and make people drive around me."

    I have an easy fix for that: When I see people doing that, I lean down and fumble in my glove box, acting as if I don't see them. Works every time; they jump the hell out of the way right quick!!!

  8. #8


    I don't think there's any ONE reason.

    Reasons I've heard include:

    Lots of people in Detroit are from the South, where it's more common to walk in the road.

    The sidewalks are often so poorly kept you might as well walk in the street.

    You're less likely to get jumped in the street.

    The streets are better plowed than the sidewalks.

    ALL THAT SAID: I lived on the Detroit-Hamtramck border for a long time, and noticed that people would sometimes use the sidewalk in Hamtramck and the street on the Detroit side. It was really interesting the way it almost corresponded with the actual physical border so frequently.

  9. #9


    Dogs, hoods, predators lurk between the houses and in the tall grass.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Shollin View Post
    Because it's illegal and dangerous.
    Is it illegal?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Hamtragedy View Post
    Dogs, hoods, predators lurk between the houses and in the tall grass.
    Actually, I could see this. I have walked in the street during explorations of Detroit, and it's because I was scared of big leashed dogs that would jump out from the property line to the sidewalk. It gave me a jump more than once.

    The street does feel safer and more removed from threats, especially if there are cars parked on the street. Also, the sidewalks are often in horrible condition.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by jaytheory View Post
    I remember I used to do it as a kid, but that was because playing in the street was against the rules, but then I grew up and stopped walking in the street, thats what sidewalks are for.
    1) You had rules as a child.
    2) You "grew up" to be a [[presumably) functioning member of society.

    Frankly a lot of people in Detroit didn't have those life experiences.

    I was just talking to my neighbor yesterday. Her relatives live in Harper Woods and are moving. Seems people will walk in the streets in crowds and not move for traffic. Doesn't make for very good quality of life.

    We have the occasional dickwad walking in the street here. It's funny, because the sidewalks are all in good shape, no open or dangerous buildings, the worst thing that could happen is getting hit with a sprinkler. But hey, if you want to look like a retard, by all means. Maybe they saw the recent Carl Collins III billboard, "Call 1-800-CAR-HIT-U." I wish I were making that up.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by iheartthed View Post
    Is it illegal?
    Yes, it is.

  14. #14


    I remember as a child seeing people walk in the street. I guess those kids/people thought they were cool.

    In Rosedale on Lyndon, there is still no sidewalk on the south side btw Ashton and Faust, and when we walked to Vetal Middle School, we would walk in the street, "cuz we thought we wuz cool" [[this also might explain me using a pick and wearing a do-rag, even though I was white).

    In Grandmont, we also had our sidewalks cleared of snow. In the winter time, if we were going to school or catchin' the freight, we might be ahead of the sidewalk-" tractor" so I would walk in the street in the tire tracks.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by dookie joe View Post
    Yes, it is.
    Can't find it online. Mind providing a link?

  16. #16
    Shollin Guest


    You really haven't heard of jaywalking?

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Shollin View Post
    You really haven't heard of jaywalking?
    I've heard of jaywalking. Walking in the street is not the same thing as jaywalking.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by iheartthed View Post
    Can't find it online. Mind providing a link?
    Detroit has restated and incorporated, MCL 257.655.
    Sec. 55-12-4. - Pedestrians to use sidewalks where provided; walk facing traffic where no sidewalks provided.

    Where sidewalks are provided, it shall be unlawful for pedestrians to walk upon the main traveled portion of the highway. Where sidewalks are not provided, pedestrians shall, when practicable, walk on the left side of the highway facing traffic which passes nearest.

    [[Code 1964, § 38-12-4)

    I take back the caveat... it would appear this is the current code.
    Last edited by bailey; April-22-13 at 10:45 AM.

  19. #19


    This is a very good question.

    I believe the OP refers to walking in the street when the sidewalks ARE plowed and not otherwise un-navigable. All of the answers that posters have given above are applicable.
    However, I believe that what is at the root this is:

    1) a low-level form of just plain petty lawlessness and flaunting of the remnants of what social order that remains in the city, which takes the form of,

    at best - a toxic form of “chicken”, counting on drivers to not have the nerve to hit them;

    at not so good - to get hit, survive, and have a potential lawsuit [[which beats any current chance they believe they have of financial resources); at worse,

    2) a deep, underlying, suicidal ideation; a form that the unacknowledged, untreated clinical depression that is pervasive in the hood takes, which sort of makes all of the above possible.

    Call it Suicide by Streetwalking.
    Last edited by marshamusic; April-22-13 at 10:45 AM.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by bailey View Post
    Detroit has restated and incorporated, MCL 257.655.

    I take back the caveat... it would appear this is the current code.
    That's for state highways.

  21. #21


    To avoid the puddles of urine on the sidewalks?

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by noise View Post
    To avoid the puddles of urine on the sidewalks?
    That's only in Midtown.

  23. #23


    it's an unfortunate byproduct of today's gang culture and is not teenagers taking over or hooliganism. it's safer to walk down the middle of the street because you have a broader view of the environment. if you walk past trees and homes, you're more likely to get surprised by someone out to do you harm.

    take a listen to this excerpt from npr on chicago kids and gangs:
    Last edited by hybridy; April-22-13 at 11:17 AM.

  24. #24


    Detroit City Ordinance. It is illegal to walk in any roadway where sidewalks are provided. It was enforced rather strongly 30-40 years ago in better times.

  25. #25


    Streets were not meant to be solely the domain of automobiles: http://www.theatlanticcities.com/com...ywalking/1837/

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