Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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Thread: An Updated View

  1. #1

    Default An Updated View

    We just made an un-anticipated trip to Detroit this weekend for my dear sister's funeral. After the funeral, my wife and two nieces went uptown, drove through New Center and up Woodward looking for Highland Park General Hospital.

    I was surprised to see Detroit looking better, IMO. Still a long ways to go but there was a different feeling and cleanliness and brightness in some areas. Drove past MCS twice and looked for the work in progress. Noticed a little and surprised that you can still see all the way through the building.

    Highland Park looked better. Not good, but better. I am still amazed at how many theaters and grand churches there are in Detroit.

    Was talking with another niece about the Woodward light rail system. She asked, "Why build it when there is nothing and nobody there?" I replied that when it is built, you will be amazed at the growth that will occur around the stops and along the route. I've seen it happen here in Atlanta with MARTA.

    In my business, we plan around the station locations when we have classes and out-of-town students flying in. We always try to get them near a station where there is convenient lodging, food and entertainment. And, this takes a load off of us as we don't need to make airport runs.

    Bottom line, it's been 3 or 4 years since I've been in Detroit and I could tell a positive difference this time. Keep it up Detroit!

  2. #2


    Huh? Whut? I'm sorry, but I would have to disagree and say the housing crash caused the same amount of damage in four years as the 30 years since the completion of the Jeffries [[I-96).
    Last edited by Hamtragedy; April-15-13 at 08:20 PM. Reason: clarity

  3. #3


    Did you see all of the new big box stores & new car dealerships on Grand River like back in the day.....

  4. #4


    Sorry for your loss, Peachlaser.

    Thanks for the report, though, it is always great to hear other's perceptions!


  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    Sorry for your loss, Peachlaser.

    Thanks for the report, though, it is always great to hear other's perceptions!

    I second that.

    It's nice to get a fresh perspective.

  6. #6


    Being a bit more specific, here are some of my previous impressions and what I saw on Saturday...

    Was ---> Now

    Dismal --> Signs of Life

    Depressing --> Encouraging

    Dark --> Lighting Up

    Abandoned --> Rediscovered

    Death --> Signs of Life

    Hopeless --> Hopeful

    Shameful --> Emerging Pride

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    Sorry for your loss, Peachlaser.

    Thanks for the report, though, it is always great to hear other's perceptions!

    Thanks Gannon and 48091!

    Sometimes, small and incremental changes are not noticeable when you are in the midst and it takes being away and then coming back to see the cumulative effect of all of these little changes. Detroit still has a long way to go, but to me, the subtle shift was from being depressing and hopeless to being possible and changing for the better. It was the 'feel of the place' while driving around that has changed for the better, IMHO.

  8. #8


    I wish there was just a simple "like" button, like you-know-where.

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