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  1. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    'Only to this degree in Detroit'. I think it was just a matter of degree.

    I think you'll find that most if not all major cities have been the relocation of many of their corporate offices to the burbs. [[from Grist: Suburban Corporate Campuses Going Out of Style)[/FONT][/COLOR]

    Detroit also had the 'luck' of a few really big companies with early suburban presence. Ford, GM [[New Center & Tech Center). If these firms were downtown, things might have been a little better. But like a lot of things -- it wasn't one single factor. Lot of eggs in one basket [[auto), sparsely populated right after the war, rust belt, and so on.
    Well yes, I'll agree that every city had some measure of suburban flight. But to say Detroit's is just a matter of degree ignores the outright decimation of downtown - that didn't happen anywhere else. Detroit's population began to decline well before the rise of the suburban corporate complex.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hermod View Post
    There was little in downtown Detroit that was essential to the region. Most of the offices in the large office buildings downtown were readily transportable to other areas of the metro. Gilbert is downtown because Gilbert wants to be downtown. His operation could function just as well in Southfield, Troy, or on Hall Road. Other cities had major financial centers downtown. Detroit had only the headquarters of local banks.
    I think this is the mentality that the author was describing. Yes, the business could technically be run anywhere, but when you isolate yourself from the majority of the business community, you miss out on the benefits of a consolidated downtown, whether it's attracting talent, meeting clients, or the ability to collaborate with other businesses, visibility to customers, etc. You just don't get that when you spread your corporate HQs across multiple business "centers" across the suburbs.

    I get that there's some benefit to locating in the suburbs, typically cheaper space, but that doesn't mean that placement in a central business district has no merit either.
    Last edited by TexasT; April-12-13 at 07:39 AM.

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