The Detroit Roman Catholic hierarchy has vocally injected itself into the gay marriage issue. According to their statement, Catholics who simply express support for gay marriage [thinking not doing] and took communion were likened to perjurers by the archbishop.
Peters went on to say, "Catholics who promote 'same-sex marriage' act contrary to" Catholic law "and should not approach for holy Communion," he wrote. "They also risk having holy Communion withheld from them ... being rebuked and/or being sanctioned."A Detroit professor and legal adviser to the Vatican [Edward Peters] says Catholics who promote gay marriage should not try to receive holy Communion, a key part of Catholic identity.
And the archbishop of Detroit, Allen Vigneron, said Sunday that Catholics who receive Communion while advocating gay marriage would "logically bring shame for a double-dealing that is not unlike perjury."
Link to Freep article
Peters has previously said Catholic liberal Democrats like Gov. Cuomo of New York and House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi should be denied Communion because of their statements and positions seemingly taking a partisan political stance generally eschewed by the church.
I wonder if they are equally vocal in the many scandals in which the church is awash.