Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1

    Default Pure electric car from Detroit. Tasty!!

    No, it's not about the Volt/Ampera twins, this is a Lotus based electric sprint canon!

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Whitehouse View Post
    No, it's not about the Volt/Ampera twins, this is a Lotus based electric sprint canon!
    This is all nice and all, but how much market is there for 6 figure electric sports cars ? I mean Fisker just furloughed its workforce, hired bankruptcy counsel and it's Namesake quit the company. And that was the company that supposedly knew what it was doing.

    And if this is a "tesla" killer, why does it cost 2x as much and doesn't go as far on a charge? and didn't telsa's first version use this same body?
    Last edited by bailey; April-04-13 at 01:06 PM.

  3. #3


    I don't see too much possibility for this unfortunately. It looks WAAAAY too much like the lotus that it's based on. But you know what, Tesla did the exact same thing before the model S came out for around the same price and people bought that. Once you get into this kind of territory all bets are off. This is as fast as some Ferrari's of around the same price or more.

    People may actually buy it! I wouldn't, but that doesn't mean others won't!

    Does anyone know where it will be produced? All the reports that I see just say Michigan. I'm hoping for the actual city of Detroit or Highland Park or something... but I can dream. :/

  4. #4


    I'll take two.

    ... what exactly do you do with a $135,000 car full of exotic parts? I'd be afraid to park it anywhere, and if it broke down, you're walking home.

  5. #5


    Have you seen this one http://www.youtube.com/embed/Ri2BG2q...yer_detailpage priced at about $15,000 [[Canadian).
    At the moment it's speed is about 25MPH and it's range is 40 miles.
    Last edited by coracle; April-04-13 at 05:30 PM.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    Have you seen this one http://www.youtube.com/embed/Ri2BG2q...yer_detailpage priced at about $15,000 [[Canadian).
    At the moment it's speed is about 25MPH and it's range is 40 miles.

    Yeah, it used to be built near the old GM plant in Boisbriand Quebec but I think they moved to Toronto.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Yeah, it used to be built near the old GM plant in Boisbriand Quebec but I think they moved to Toronto.
    What's the over/under on this company...9 months?

  8. #8


    If you buy one will you please get the hell out of the way?

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