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  1. #1

    Default Coming Soon! New Midtown Office Building, south of MLK

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    Original Post from pril-02-13, 08:54 PM
    Great News from Midtown! I saw this today go up. This picture is from Austin Black II's Facebook page. The development is South of MLK, next to Detroit ONE coney island, across from WSU Bonstelle Theater. Name:  Midtown Office.jpg
Views: 2345
Size:  42.5 KB

  2. #2


    Whoa...that looks pretty significant.

    Looks like the website isn't up and running yet. Anybody have any additional info?

  3. #3



    Queen Lillian is headed up by Christopher Jackson, a consultant and former managing partner of Greektown Casino, and Donald Davis, chairman of First Independence Bank.

  4. #4


    An office building! I didn't realize we were out of them.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    An office building! I didn't realize we were out of them.
    So true,but you do have to admit it is a nice looking building compared to some of the other stuff that has been presented lately.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    An office building! I didn't realize we were out of them.
    Not everyone wants class B and C office space in vintage buildings. Last time I checked, class A was filling up with all these new companies coming to the city.

    This development looks exciting.

  7. #7


    Is this going in that abandoned lot that is fenced off with like 12 foot high razor wire? Glas to see that coming down if it is the case.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by JDKeepsmiling View Post
    Is this going in that abandoned lot that is fenced off with like 12 foot high razor wire? Glas to see that coming down if it is the case.
    There is a good reason for it being up. More than a few dead reasons... It is the Corridor after all.

  9. #9


    Dang, there goes my free parking, for events at UofM and MSU.:-)

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by JDKeepsmiling View Post
    Is this going in that abandoned lot that is fenced off with like 12 foot high razor wire? Glas to see that coming down if it is the case.
    Yes, it is going on the lot with the 12 foot fence.

    Yeah, I saw this yesterday while driving down woodward and was trying to remember if this was ever discussed here or was a new development.

  11. #11


    neat. I still think the neighborhood behind this proposed location is the key to success.

  12. #12

  13. #13


    I hear its going to have a toilet and a Cheesecake Factory!

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    An office building! I didn't realize we were out of them.
    It's not speculative space or most of isn't it seems according the Crains article "Doctors and researchers from the Wayne State UniversitySchool of Medicine's Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences are moving in, according to a news release".

  15. #15


    So did they ever settle the 5 million dollar lawsuit against the city?

  16. #16


    I saw this too , this is great news , ... more please !!!

  17. #17


    There's not really a market right now for additional office space downtown, so this one probably won't happen, at least not for many years.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by MSUguy View Post
    It's not speculative space or most of isn't it seems according the Crains article "Doctors and researchers from the Wayne State UniversitySchool of Medicine's Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences are moving in, according to a news release".
    That bit you quoted was about an existing office building on Beaubein, not this proposed project.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by JDKeepsmiling View Post
    Is this going in that abandoned lot that is fenced off with like 12 foot high razor wire? Glas to see that coming down if it is the case.
    Yes. I always thought it was odd that someone would barbwire an empty lot like that.

  20. #20


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILbwwbF5T7A video of the earlier bldg
    Last edited by DetroiterOnTheWestCoast; April-06-13 at 01:19 PM. Reason: a

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by artds View Post
    Yes. I always thought it was odd that someone would barbwire an empty lot like that.
    The fence was constructed when the Detroit Water Department owned the property.


  22. #22


    I saw workers out today, putting stakes down in the dirt. Maybe construction will begin sooner than August?

  23. #23


    Name:  Midtown Rising.jpg
Views: 1146
Size:  45.6 KB

    There is a new, larger sign in place now too.

  24. #24


    WOW! just around the corner and next time a low-income housing hi-rise and crackhead corridor! What a risk! Do you just love gentrification of inner city Detroit. developers will make midtown Woodward Ave look like Park Ave. in 25 years.

  25. #25


    Can you tell me who is being displaced by this development?
    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    WOW! just around the corner and next time a low-income housing hi-rise and crackhead corridor! What a risk! Do you just love gentrification of inner city Detroit. developers will make midtown Woodward Ave look like Park Ave. in 25 years.

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