Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1

    Default What single business entity has the most number of locations within Detroit?

    Perhaps a take-out food business, salon, retailer ...

    Not national names like Starbucks, but rather looking for locally-Michigan-owned entities ...

    Any good insights?

  2. #2


    1.) Liquor Store
    2,) Hair & Nail Salon
    3.) Storefront Church
    The last one is tax free!

  3. #3


    Probably Little Caesars or Domino's.

    Unless you count the chaldean stores that sell Spartan-brand products.

  4. #4


    There appears to only be 7 Little Caesar's within Detroit, according to a search on their website.

    8 for Domino's.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by darwinism View Post
    There appears to only be 7 Little Caesar's within Detroit, according to a search on their website.

    8 for Domino's.
    It's pretty sad when even Michigan-based companies don't want to take a gamble on Detroit.

  6. #6


    gotta be family dollar. those damn things are everywhere.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by compn View Post
    gotta be family dollar. those damn things are everywhere.
    Family Dollar is based in North Carolina, not Michigan.

  8. #8


    I think you will have to consider places like family dollar, dollar general, tim hortons. Why would Little Caesar's count if it too is a national chain?

  9. #9


    For chains, I'd say Subway has the most. Also CVS is at least rather prominent in my mind.

    Otherwise there certainly are a fair number of liquor stores, gas stations [[which I guess are mostly affiliated with some chain), bars, churches, Coneys, & [[non-chain) grocery stores.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPlanner View Post
    I think you will have to consider places like family dollar, dollar general, tim hortons. Why would Little Caesar's count if it too is a national chain?
    The OP specifically said locally-Michigan-owned entities.

    Would Little Caesars and Domino's not be locally-Michigan-owned entities?

  11. #11


    I'd say the Storefront Jesus franchise is easily the most popular.

    He's always local. And his shepherds locally-supported. With the best parking spots in the lot.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by 313WX View Post
    It's pretty sad when even Michigan-based companies don't want to take a gamble on Detroit.
    Both companies are franchise oriented. The question should be why the black community does not help prospective owners for either company's franchises?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    I'd say the Storefront Jesus franchise is easily the most popular.

    He's always local. And his shepherds locally-supported. With the best parking spots in the lot.
    With my routes around town quite a few corners are old banks. Many bank buildings have survived due to their construction and that most have been used as corner/storefront churches or beauty supply shops. In some instances the former bank building is the only structure standing in the neighborhood.

    Designed by Mildner & Eisen Wayne County & Home Savings Bank Branch 11034 Gratiot built in 1923 Detroit, MI.
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by p69rrh51; March-23-13 at 10:14 PM.

  14. #14


    Easy. The local newspapers. They have vending machines outside of every major restaurant. No cashier overhead.

  15. #15


    Maybe Happys pizza

  16. #16


    There is an interesting juxtaposition on those persistent old bank buildings, and a storyline on who is the keeper of true wealth in the city. You just struck a nerve deep within me, p69rrh51. Who's got the cash? It ain't the bankers any longer.

    But the beauty supply stores exist largely to serve the Storefront Jesus phenomenon...they may be two of a kind. Two sides of the same worship coin...one reflected, the other refracted.

    Damn, shouldn't have had that last cup o' coffee with our late Honest John's breakfast this afternoon...
    Last edited by Gannon; March-23-13 at 10:19 PM.

  17. #17


    My honest guess on the question, though would be either Valero, Citgo, or Marathon gas stations.

    19, 16, and 23...according to http://www.yellowpages.com/detroit-m...rch%3Dfalse/o:

    Hard to believe there are so few...I don't want to do a search on BP.
    Last edited by Gannon; March-23-13 at 09:42 PM.

  18. #18


    damn, 31 BP gas stations in Detroit.

  19. #19


    61 Beauty Supplies, from the same.

    Only 7 Happy's Pizzas...all that neon makes 'em look more populous.

    52 Non-denominational churches...although that doesn't guarantee a storefront frachise.

  20. #20


    31 Subway Sub Shops.

    Then again, this lists 6 Little Ceasar's and only 5 Dominos...just thought to search on them to check for accuracy. They are a little conservative...

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    There is an interesting juxtaposition on those persistent old bank buildings,....
    Yeah. How do you repurpose a vault? They're too heavy to move.

    I asked a local restaurant supplier if they ever tried to do anything special with their inherited bank vault. They thought about making it into a wine cellar but couldn't figure out how to get power in there without stringing cables through the door [[vaults don't need outlets). They left it as just another room.

    They have the most secure tornado shelter in the whole neighborhood. It's true!

  22. #22


    They are also one of the few rooms in the 'hood "safe" from modern surveillance equipment...so there is always that.

    I would like to experience a few to hear what I can of the hum. Especially those old vaults in the basement of the Guardian.

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    Easy. The local newspapers. They have vending machines outside of every major restaurant. No cashier overhead.
    Ok, good, but passé. How about those guys on every corner now SELLING papers? I like those guys.

  24. #24


    there is no single business that has the most in detroit. if you want to use party stores owned by caldeans' that is not owned by one family. most pizza joint's...happy's included...are franchises'.
    look to a few...maybe 2 or 3 family own stores but you will will find that legal names are not under one name.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    Yeah. How do you repurpose a vault? They're too heavy to move.

    I asked a local restaurant supplier if they ever tried to do anything special with their inherited bank vault. They thought about making it into a wine cellar but couldn't figure out how to get power in there without stringing cables through the door [[vaults don't need outlets). They left it as just another room.

    They have the most secure tornado shelter in the whole neighborhood. It's true!
    No lights in those vaults, either?

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