Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1
    m b v Guest

    Default Is Duggan a crook? I have heard this, not sure what it's based on.

    What are his detractors referring to when they say he's as greasy as Ficano and Kilpatrick?

  2. #2
    Shollin Guest


    He was caught doing a grab and go at Somerset. I'm surprised you didn't see it.

  3. #3


    Duggan, Kilpatricks, Cox, Granholm and Ficano are all links in the McNamara political machine.

    Can I retract this post? Why on earth would MBV be posting the same crap someone else posted an hour earlier, but stated differently?
    Last edited by DetroitPlanner; March-20-13 at 01:47 PM.

  4. #4
    m b v Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPlanner View Post
    Duggan, Kilpatricks, Cox, Granholm and Ficano are all links in the McNamara political machine.
    Ah! Thank you. Any pronounced stories outside of the affiliation to the machine?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by m b v View Post
    Ah! Thank you. Any pronounced stories outside of the affiliation to the machine?
    And what exactly did this machine do? It seems the answer to that is "The regime spawned people like Duggan!" Well what did Duggan do "He was a part of the regime!" I don't have the institutional knowledge to know if any of these guys are good or bad, but the reasoning has been very circular. Even if they can't be proven, what are some of the actual rumors about Duggan, Ficano, and McNamara?

    EDIT: WRT to Ficano, I just found this link to XYZ news that summarizes a lot, which was helpful [[and depressing).
    Last edited by TexasT; March-20-13 at 02:19 PM.

  6. #6


    It is inconceivable to some that anyone survive their tenure with McNamara, being known as the old man's hatchetman/closer [[which is always the toughest job at a car dealership or late-night home mortgage office), without having any excrement linger afterwards.

    Of all the McAlumni, he always had something else...whenever opportunity for power came along, Duggan was always drawn to it. Like now in the city. Do I think he is suddenly altruistic and out for the citizen's best interest?! I consider myself generally optimistic...but there remains something specifically sleazy about the guy.

    Plus, Jerry Oliver isn't a fan...he's talkin', now that he knows Kwhyme is locked up. Thinks Duggan is stale, old politics when Detroit needs something fresh and new.

  7. #7


    McNamara and all his people hated Ficano. The feeling was mutual and very public.
    Ficano was NEVER part of the so-called McNamara regime.
    Please then, without dragging Ficano in erroneously, detail how duggan is dirty.
    I have another tip: McNamara thought that Kwame was pretty bright and would have a good future in politics "if he could stay away from Bernard."
    You may ask why Ed had Bernard on his staff if he didn't trust him. And if you have to ask, you don't understand the political mind.

  8. #8


    As for Oliver's opinion of Duggan - who cares? In his two measly years here he gained enough insight to pontificate about Duggan being stale for Detroit?
    Andby the way, wasn't Oliver a relative of Beatty? He left that out.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPlanner View Post
    Duggan, Kilpatricks, Cox, Granholm and Ficano are all links in the McNamara political machine.

    Can I retract this post? Why on earth would MBV be posting the same crap someone else posted an hour earlier, but stated differently?
    Cox? Mike Cox? Former Republican attorney general?

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by SWMAP View Post
    McNamara and all his people hated Ficano. The feeling was mutual and very public.
    Ficano was NEVER part of the so-called McNamara regime.
    You beat me to the punch. Very true, very accurate. Why does Ficano get lumped in with McNamara? Folks are just lumping all Wayne Co democrats together.

  11. #11


    It is guilt by association with no actual evidence. As pointed out, any Wayne County Democrat during the McNamara reign is tagged with the same "crook" label. Granted, Duggan was probably closer to McNamara than the average Wayne County Democrat, but I don't think he's ever been charged with anything.

    If he were to become mayor, I think it could be a positive thing. I think he's done well enough for the city to deserve serious consideration. As far as I know, he was a solid prosecutor and did a great job to turn around the DMC [[though, I was not entirely happy when it was sold to a for-profit company...). To be honest, I think all of the top candidates have their flaws and things I don't like...so I can't say that he would be worse than Napoleon or Crittendon [[ha..).

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by downtownguy View Post
    Cox? Mike Cox? Former Republican attorney general?
    Yes. Mike Cox and his brother. It is speculated that this is why he called the Stawberry murder at the Manoogian an urban myth.

  13. #13


    I am not sure how old the commenter’s are on this thread,but it is obvious that no one was around or paying attention to what washappening when Ed McNamara started his long and storied career as the mayor ofthe city of Livonia. Either people have short memories or they simply weren’tpaying attention from the late 60’s thru the early 80’s. McNamara was asnon-progressive and racist towards Livonia as Orville Hubbard was in histerroristic reign of Dearborn. I would speculate that Livonia’s withdrawal fromSEMTA and refusal to allow “those people” free access to “his” city was begunby and due directly to McNamara and his cronies [[yes, including Ficano, who wasWayne County Sheriff at the time!). His continual denial of unified bus routeswas the beginning of the end for Livonia as far as becoming an integratedwestern suburb throughout the 70’s and 80’s.
    In my opinion, he was the democratic version of LBP.
    Later, McNamara was also responsible for the decline of thecounty park system, as bodies and drugs ruled both Hines Drive and Rouge Parkat the time. Additionally, McNamara was the County Executive during theconstruction and expansion of the ever-growing Detroit Metropolitan Airport,and there were several instances that I remember specifically where there wereserious questions regarding awards for construction projects and cronyism inthe awarding of those contracts that were never pursued as McNamara was a well-feared[[retribution) and very connected person at the time. He also oversaw many otherquestionable construction efforts [[Allen Park Drainage/Storm Water AbatementProject, etc.) which stunk to high heaven, but because of his stature in thepolitical community never were investigated thoroughly and slowly but surelyfaded out of memory.
    Most inexcusable, as I remember, was his lack of interactionwith the City of Detroit, which was in his direct control as County Executive.He virtually ignored the problems that existed there and did not offer anysolutions, rather, he shut down any communication with CAY and did as hepleased for his following in the western suburb enclave.
    My guess is that if all the dots were connected in today’smedia driven environment, McNamara would have ultimately been indicted on acouple of serious items, but, again, he was the “Teflon-Don” of the 70’s and 80’s.Many forget that the Duggans, Ficanos and Kwame’s of the world were molded andshaped by McNamara’s own hands.
    Just because someone isn’t investigated for allegationsdoesn’t mean they are clean. Indeed, there were many things that simply gotswept under the rug as there was no real opposition to his actions throughouthis entire reign.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by PlymouthRes View Post
    I am not sure how old the commenter’s are on this thread,but it is obvious that no one was around or paying attention to what washappening when Ed McNamara started his long and storied career as the mayor ofthe city of Livonia. Either people have short memories or they simply weren’tpaying attention from the late 60’s thru the early 80’s. McNamara was asnon-progressive and racist towards Livonia as Orville Hubbard was in histerroristic reign of Dearborn. I would speculate that Livonia’s withdrawal fromSEMTA and refusal to allow “those people” free access to “his” city was begunby and due directly to McNamara and his cronies [[yes, including Ficano, who wasWayne County Sheriff at the time!). His continual denial of unified bus routeswas the beginning of the end for Livonia as far as becoming an integratedwestern suburb throughout the 70’s and 80’s.
    In my opinion, he was the democratic version of LBP.
    Later, McNamara was also responsible for the decline of thecounty park system, as bodies and drugs ruled both Hines Drive and Rouge Parkat the time. Additionally, McNamara was the County Executive during theconstruction and expansion of the ever-growing Detroit Metropolitan Airport,and there were several instances that I remember specifically where there wereserious questions regarding awards for construction projects and cronyism inthe awarding of those contracts that were never pursued as McNamara was a well-feared[[retribution) and very connected person at the time. He also oversaw many otherquestionable construction efforts [[Allen Park Drainage/Storm Water AbatementProject, etc.) which stunk to high heaven, but because of his stature in thepolitical community never were investigated thoroughly and slowly but surelyfaded out of memory.
    Most inexcusable, as I remember, was his lack of interactionwith the City of Detroit, which was in his direct control as County Executive.He virtually ignored the problems that existed there and did not offer anysolutions, rather, he shut down any communication with CAY and did as hepleased for his following in the western suburb enclave.
    My guess is that if all the dots were connected in today’smedia driven environment, McNamara would have ultimately been indicted on acouple of serious items, but, again, he was the “Teflon-Don” of the 70’s and 80’s.Many forget that the Duggans, Ficanos and Kwame’s of the world were molded andshaped by McNamara’s own hands.
    Just because someone isn’t investigated for allegationsdoesn’t mean they are clean. Indeed, there were many things that simply gotswept under the rug as there was no real opposition to his actions throughouthis entire reign.

    If your post is correct, then MAC had racist tendencies. Though not an endearing trait, certainly not a crime. Also, CAY himself had a horrible habit of alienating the suburbs, and help from therein. Watch some of the YouTube interview clips with him. If it's satanic, it's from the 'burbs. If MAC molded Kwame in his own image and likeness, it makes me question his racist tendencies even more. I'm certainly no big fan of MAC's, Kwame's, CAY's, or Duggan's, but I wish someone had something a little more specific about this, especially since Duggan's running for Mayor.

  15. #15


    Although not a crime, racism of any type has no place in this world, period. Unfortunately, it is the by-product of those who wish to throw doubt into any situation where a minority is brought forth as a viable alternative. McNamara “evolved” over time to understand this and use it to the max in regard to what he wanted to accomplish.
    Even the most blatant racist will use whatever means he can to further his cause, and Kwame is a pretty good illustration of what I was alluding to.
    Also, I used the term “molded and shaped” but did not include “in his own image”, as though he were God creating Adam. All of these folks came out from under the tutelage of McNamara, and I presume that you will agree that typically that would mean that they would emulate the ways of their teachers.
    As for Duggan and his actions, there are plenty of examples of his throughout the years and a plethora of media evidence to substantiate that assertion.

  16. #16


    I have no idea of the nebulous accusations that Plymouthres makes about McNamara in Allen park and at the Airport are true. They do seem highly non-specific. As for the Airport, Detroit Metro is a celebrated airport – a claim to fame for our region and one of the best in the country. Under Ficano, the management of the Airport became highly politicized as events of last year having to do with the Director appointment and appointments to the Authority demonstrated.
    I do, however, have personal knowledge of how much McNamara tried to do for Detroit city government – always behind the scenes and unheralded because the City was very sensitive to any public implication that its elected officials and appointees were not extremely capable on their own.
    McNamara’s trusted second met monthly with Archer’s Chief of Staff to keep communication lines open. McNamara’s guy said that Archer’s person was very, very reluctant to accept any help on any project: roads, salting, branding, water, conservation, sewerage and on and on. The County certainly understood the concern.
    So, I know some truth about those years and what may have appeared to a racist negligence was anything but.
    I am still waiting for concrete examples of how Mike Duggan is dirty, compromised, etc. Gannon? Anyone?

  17. #17


    PlymouthRes: A couple of key points about Ed McNamara. As Mayor of Livonia, he fought HUD over building "projects" in the city, wanting instead to have low income people get vouchers allowing them to live in the neighborhoods and not be stigmatized by living in public housing.

    As for the Wayne County Parks System, it was a haven for drug dealers and motorcycle gangs when he became executive. It had no dedicated source of funding. By his second term, the parks were restored and became a place for families to enjoy.
    He also insisted on building the Chandler Park Water Park on the eastside; his argument was that the water park would be the closest inner-city kids would ever get to a Cedar Point or other amusement park.

    He also championed the creation of a community development bank based on the highly successfully Shorebank model in Detroit to invest in neighborhoods and local businesses.
    Unfortunately, the bank collapsed during the meltdown in 2008.

    He is also the guy that the downtown stadiums built. Anyone can see first-hand how this project re-energized downtown Detroit. If you go back to the early 1990s -- Bo Schembechler and Tom Monahan were very close to moving the Tigers to Ann Arbor. Or maybe even Tampa. Thanks to McNamara and Duggan, the move was prevented. While a new stadium fell through at the point, it came together about five years later.

    He also built a new morgue -- replacing a decrepit facility many called the little shop of horrors -- as well as a very functioning and efficient new youth home.

    And he balanced 15 consecutive budgets as Executive. And energized the business community to help save SMART.

  18. #18



    While the accusations seem “nebulous”, you seem to have no problem questioning my statements without supportive evidence of your own [[aside from your “personal knowledge”). I will be a bit more specific in this response, not because you questioned me, but after re-re-reading my post I realized that it was a bit vague.

    For your information, I lived in AP when the Basin project was bid and performed, and it was rife with many accusations of how the construction contracts were awarded and bid. My neighbor down the street was the city attorney at the time, and he often spoke of the misgivings he had about the project and the ability to abate the flooding issues. Additionally, the project did not alleviate the flooding problems that it was said would be solved after its construction. The absolute and irrefutable fact is that as late as last year[[2012), those problems STILL existed, which means that although millions went to McNamara-endorsed construction entities, NOTHING was done to help the flooding issues that were stated would go away if the people just paid the tax and built the Basin. Since McNamara was in charge at the time, I simply gave him the credit that he deserved based on MY personal knowledge of the situation at the time.

    By the way, you do also realize that BK was Ed’s Chief of Staff at the time, right? After all we have heard about him throughout his son’s trial, would you really assert that in that position he didn’t have the DIRECT knowledge of McNamara in all his dealings?

    However you spin it, I don’t know how you could derive from that the fact that your “personal knowledge” trumps mine? We are certainly all entitled to our opinions based on our experiences.

    I also attended a couple of meetings during that period regarding the proposals and it was not unlike a “dog and pony show”, with many smoke and mirror presentations that really only addressed the peripheral issues and skirted the harder facts. Worst yet was the additional taxation that was imposed on the subjective cities that failed to correct the flooding issues themselves. As it was a Wayne County project initiative, I was simply laying the blame at the feet of the guy at the top who, I believe, was responsible ultimately for the entire supervision of the project.

    Here is one link which alludes to the Duggan/McNamara relationship, written by none other than Pete Waldmeir, who covered political issues for the Free Press and well knew the regime of McNamara:



    Thanks for the well-constructed response-it enlightened me to the successes that McNamara achieved during his tenure. I believe, however, that significant points could be raised by his detractors [[which I remember being quite numerous) in regard to his shady side as well. Unfortunately, we got off the topic of the original OP, which was Mike Duggan, not Ed McNamara. If you would like, I will starting a separate thread regarding McNamara and let this one get back to its original focus, which was Mike Duggan.

    Sorry to all others for the hijack!

  19. #19


    PlymouthRes, Could you repost the link? It's not there in it's entirety. Thanx.

  20. #20


    I am having some trouble with my computer locking-up when I post. I think I got it this time. Sorry.

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