Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1

    Default Junior Cadets [[for the DPD) nabbed after mugging on People Mover

    This is one of the many reasons the City has to look outside Detroit to get people to work for the DPD, there are not too many responsible youngsters within the City limits. Not saying all are bad, but these kids had a golden opportunity and blew it. They were more than likely just in it for a bit of extra cash [[which the City doesn't have), and maybe to learn how to mug without getting caught. Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest!

    Clowncilwoman Watson, don't even go there about the residency requirements being brought back. These are the applicants you'd get.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by cla1945 View Post
    This is one of the many reasons the City has to look outside Detroit to get people to work for the DPD, there are not too many responsible youngsters within the City limits.
    NEWSFLASH, cla1945!! There are many responsible youngsters within the city limits. What an ignorant statement!

  3. #3


    I sort of think of this differently. Aren't young kids who want to be "tough guys" sort of drawn to the idea of being cops? I remember when I lived in New York I had some punk kid across the street shooting out my windows with BBs. When he was caught, not only did the cops find a cache of BB weapons, but he was an "Explorer" -- roughly equivalent to "cadet" here.

  4. #4


    There are good and bad in all walks of life. Believe it or not, some people who are actually enforcers of the law break it. Some who commit criminal acts run into burning buildings to save people.

    Punish bad behavior, support good behavior.

    Painting all the youth of Detroit by a broad brush with these idiots as the hue does as much a disservice to the rest of the youth of Detroit as saying that Kwame is a representative of EVERYBODY in Southeastern Michigan. [[There are people outside of this area who actually don't care whether it happens in the suburbs or the city, all are the same to them. THink about that for a minute...)

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by downtownguy View Post
    NEWSFLASH, cla1945!! There are many responsible youngsters within the city limits. What an ignorant statement!
    Uh, NEWSFLASH downtownguy...if you read the entire post you'd see "not saying all are bad, but these kids had a golden opportunity and blew it"

    The many responsible youngsters and the few responsible parents [[of these bad wannabee gangsters) need to get their act together and turn things around in Detroit. Incidentally, I come from a long line of City Police and Firefighters, Detroit is my hometown, I love it....just don't like it much right now.

  6. #6


    Were these kids actually police cadets studying policing at a community college? Probably not. Sounds more like a community program type thing.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by cla1945 View Post
    Uh, NEWSFLASH downtownguy...if you read the entire post you'd see "not saying all are bad, but these kids had a golden opportunity and blew it"

    The many responsible youngsters and the few responsible parents [[of these bad wannabee gangsters) need to get their act together and turn things around in Detroit. Incidentally, I come from a long line of City Police and Firefighters, Detroit is my hometown, I love it....just don't like it much right now.
    I did read your entire post. And your weak modifying statement did not improve upon your original statement of there are not too many responsible youngsters within the City limits.

    You can't have it both ways. I don't care about your background and if you like the city much right now. Your statement painting most Detroit kids as bad was out of line and out of touch. Are you truly not aware of how many decent people live in this city?
    Last edited by downtownguy; July-23-12 at 09:13 PM.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by downtownguy View Post
    NEWSFLASH, cla1945!! There are many responsible youngsters within the city limits. What an ignorant statement!
    Not surprising though.

    Especially from someone who calls an elected official a clown [[regardless of how they feel about their views).

  9. #9


    Saying someone else's opinion is "out of line" implies that your opinion is more correct and of higher value. Saying that another's stated observation is "out of touch" is odd when the observation is made by someone who would seem to know Detroit as well as anyone. Downtownguy- just say you don't agree. You don't have to tell another adult that he/ she is "out of line" as if you are the teacher or the more righteous one- even if you think you are. It's a free country and this is an inclusive discussion board. Don't try to be the police.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by 313WX View Post
    Not surprising though.

    Especially from someone who calls an elected official a clown [[regardless of how they feel about their views).
    Evidently I'm not the only one...watch the second story.

    Last edited by cla1945; July-23-12 at 10:01 PM.

  11. #11


    I have seen the report. According to my XYZ Files, those two junior cadets were African American youths coming from a 3rd generation from the second wave of African American families who kept the 'field negro' mentality in their beliefs. They destined to take shortcuts in society. But they will end up in prison or dead.

  12. #12


    does DPS offer any academies where the curriculum is geared toward law and law enforcement?

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by SWMAP View Post
    Saying someone else's opinion is "out of line" implies that your opinion is more correct and of higher value. Saying that another's stated observation is "out of touch" is odd when the observation is made by someone who would seem to know Detroit as well as anyone. Downtownguy- just say you don't agree. You don't have to tell another adult that he/ she is "out of line" as if you are the teacher or the more righteous one- even if you think you are. It's a free country and this is an inclusive discussion board. Don't try to be the police.
    You're right, but its a double-standard here. Look at the DIA thread. It's okay for OP here to go out and say that the young people of the city are muggers and criminals unfit for law enforcement, yet simply imply that the suburbs aren't chaulk full of cultured sophisticates and the cul-de-sac mafia screams bloody murder. As it has always been, it's okay to make blanket statements about the people of the city but don't you dare slander the greatness of the suburbs. I mean, I haven't seen a thread implying that Allen Park residents aren't fit to own circular saws.

  14. #14


    Once again, "Not saying all are bad, but these kids had a golden opportunity and blew it."

    How can you get a job with a Junior Cadet Program with the Detroit Police Department and then go out and mug someone? What was the purpose for the thugs to become a cadet in the first place? What is the mindset here...or is there a mindset at all?

    It all starts at home and to those who do not want to take responsibility for what is happening in Detroit, shame on you.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by cla1945 View Post
    Once again, "Not saying all are bad,
    Then why did you say in your first post:

    "This is one of the many reasons the City has to look outside Detroit to get people to work for the DPD, there are not too many responsible youngsters within the City limits."

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitej72 View Post
    Then why did you say in your first post:

    "This is one of the many reasons the City has to look outside Detroit to get people to work for the DPD, there are not too many responsible youngsters within the City limits."
    Asked and answered already. Again, Detroit is my hometown, I love the memories that I and many of my friends share about Detroit....none of us are happy with what is happening as we speak. I was there when many things happened in Detroit, helped keep it safe, raised family, got an education there...I wish I could do more today but it's in the hands of others to determine the fate of Detroit. Unfortunately, in my opinion, it's in the wrong hands and has been for many years. Sticky palms is contagious.

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