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  1. #1
    CalvinJam Guest

    Default Support Metro Foodland in Detroit! Support Black Business!

    WATCH ON YOUTUBE HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLenfR1bhFc

    The Son of Man, the leader and teacher of the New Nation of Islam, interviewed Mr. James Hooks, the owner of Metro Foodland in Detroit, Michigan on his broadcast entitled "A Community Meeting With Detroit".

    WATCH ON YOUTUBE HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLenfR1bhFc

    ......The Black community's unemployment rate is at an unprecedented high.

    Unemployment in our community is much higher than the national average.

    Contrary to popular belief, it is NOT in the job description of the President to "create jobs".

    As the Son of Man repeatedly says, we have the power to change our own community overnight. We don't need anyone to give us anything. We already have everything we need. We just have to start supporting the good, and cultivating the good, that we see our own people producing in our community.

    Mr. Hooks' bio:
    "James Hooks, President of Metro Foodland is extremely proud of the fact that he, his family, and his grocery business are "homegrown". James was born, educated and reared in Detroit, Michigan. Growing up on the eastside, he graduated from Southeastern High School. In 1969, James began to work in the retail grocery business as a bagger for Bilo Supermarket. His hard work ethic and performance earned him a promotion to Store Clerk, then to Department Manager. In 1977, James was selected to enter the Kroger Company's Management Training program. After completion, he managed several different Kroger stores until early 1984, when James was transferred as Store Manager to the Grand River/Fenkell Kroger Supermarket....... "

    Read the rest of Mr. Hooks' bio at www.metrofoodland.com.

    Metro Foodland is located at:

    18551 Grand River Avenue in Detroit, MI. Their phone number is: [[313) 838-2754.


    You can see more pictures of Metro Foodland at www.metrofoodland.com.

    Let's support one another.

    Please pass this message along. Thank you.

    Click here to join us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thenewnationofislam


  2. #2


    After reading the bio of Metro Foodland, James Hooks seems to be quite a guy. His story is the American Dream.

  3. #3


    It's a grocery store. No need for all the religious and race junk.

    Support your local businesses, no matter who own them, but the Louis Farrakahn crap would keep me away from there.

  4. #4


    This thread leaves me less inclined to shop at Metro Food Land.

  5. #5
    CalvinJam Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    It's a grocery store. No need for all the religious and race junk.

    Support your local businesses, no matter who own them, but the Louis Farrakahn crap would keep me away from there.

    What Louis Farrakhan stuff are you referring to? I didn't even mention Farrakhan's name in my post, so............... what are you talking about?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by CalvinJam View Post
    What Louis Farrakhan stuff are you referring to? I didn't even mention Farrakhan's name in my post, so............... what are you talking about?
    You didn't?

    New Nation of Islam
    Son of Man

  7. #7
    CalvinJam Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitej72 View Post
    After reading the bio of Metro Foodland, James Hooks seems to be quite a guy. His story is the American Dream.
    It really is. He's an inspiration. As a small business owner myself, I know the difficulties that business owners face.

    Mr. Hooks is doing it, and he's doing it very well.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by 1953 View Post
    This thread leaves me less inclined to shop at Metro Food Land.

    I'd want to stay clear so as not to be indoctrinated.

  9. #9
    CalvinJam Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    You didn't?
    New Nation of Islam. Son of Man.

    Meddle, I don't mean this as any type of insult. I promise you I don't.

    But I personally feel that you suffer from a severe case of ADD.

    The reason I say this is because I said two phrases:

    "Son of Man" and "New Nation of Islam"

    And somehow you mentally rearranged the letters in those phrases to spell out "Louis Farrakhan".

    You might wanna get that looked at, buddy.

  10. #10


    What does all the religious and race stuff have to do with a grocery store? I'm sure he is a nice man and it sounds like he has made a nice life for himself, but you would get me to shop there by telling me about the perks of the store, not all this other junk.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by jpbollma View Post
    What does all the religious and race stuff have to do with a grocery store?
    Look into my eyes. Your eyelids are becoming heavy. You're getting very, very sleepy.

    Listen only to my words and the sound of my voice and the subliminal messages over the store PA system

    You will convert to our beliefs. You will do as we tell you. Resistance is futile.

  12. #12


    Reminds me of that episode of Seinfeld with the carpet cleaners cult. "Soon the world will be carpeted, and we'll be the ones who clean it."

  13. #13
    CalvinJam Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by jpbollma View Post
    What does all the religious and race stuff have to do with a grocery store? I'm sure he is a nice man and it sounds like he has made a nice life for himself, but you would get me to shop there by telling me about the perks of the store, not all this other junk.

    I'm not trying to be incendiary with my next comment - not at all.

    But I do want people to understand that you need to be prepared to defend the statements that you make.

    I also want people to understand that you shouldn't make statements that you cannot back up.

    jpbollma, you're asking what does the religious and the race stuff have to do with a grocery store?

    You're saying you would shop there by just knowing about the perks of the store, not this other "junk".

    Well, if that's the case, Metro Foodland has been open for decades, and by your own admission, you haven't been shopping there.

    Metro Foodland has been featured in the Detroithub.com, the Michigan Citizen, the Detroitblog.org, HourDetroit, mydetroitgrocers.com, & the Detroit Metro Times - and that's just to name a few.

    So again, the market has been open for 27 years, and to date, you've never shopped there.

    So if I call people's attention to the market, why get mad at me? At least, I'm calling people's attention to it.

    You're saying that someone could "get you to shop there by telling you about the perks of the store, not this other junk."

    Well did you even watch the video that I posted?

    All throughout the video, Mr. Hooks is telling you about the very many perks of Metro Foodland.

    So what are you talking about?

    Why are you here making comments to try to detract from something that you haven't even investigated thoroughly?

    How are we going to rebuild our city [[Detroit) if every time someone tries to do something positive, or call attention to something positive, they're going to be "torn down" by people like you and a few of these other posters.

    I mean, what? If I say something negative, you're going to jump down my throat. And then, when I say something positive, you jump my throat on that too.

    So basically, no one can win with you. No matter what they do, you're going to find a way to condemn them.

    Smh at you. Smh.

  14. #14


    Calvin, if you suggest to shop someplace because the owner is black, someone else can equally choose to not shop there for the exact same reason. One should shop someplace based on sellection, proximity, freshness and prices; not religon because if religon is the main criteria people can reject it if they do not feel comfortable with a particular faith.

    I get the feeling your trying to help this guy by driving some biz his way, but i am not convinced you are doing your pal a favor by listing his race and religon.

    Imagin if you will how you would feel if someone told you to vote for Mitt Romney because he was white and a Morman. Not very convincing, is it.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    Imagin if you will how you would feel if someone told you to vote for Mitt Romney because he was white and a Morman. Not very convincing, is it.
    I've seen a lot of places push their Christian values in printed ads, TV spots and even in the things they say as you enter and leave the business. I find that just as offensive. Leave your religion and race at home, keep it out of your business practices.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    Calvin, if you suggest to shop someplace because the owner is black, someone else can equally choose to not shop there for the exact same reason.
    Obviously anyone is free to patronize or not patronize any business they choose for whatever reason they want, but I don't get why you're calling it equal. There's one black-owned grocery store in Detroit. One. There's a fair argument to be made that Detroit doesn't have enough black-owned grocery stores, and if you're a proponent of that argument then it makes sense to support the one existing black-owned store with your dollars. If you're making the argument that Detroit has too many black-owned grocery stores, and therefore you go out of your way not to spend money at Metro Foodland, then you're just being a dick.

  17. #17


    I will support any business that have what I need, want, and is customer friendly. I still have to go outside of the city to buy clothing for there are not any businesses besides National Dry Goods on trumbull where I could buy a decent pair of jeans. There was a Downtown Foodland[[black owned) in Lafayette Park. He closed a few months after he had opened. There are good businesses black, white, or other. There are bad businesses of the same

  18. #18
    CalvinJam Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    Calvin, if you suggest to shop someplace because the owner is black, someone else can equally choose to not shop there for the exact same reason. One should shop someplace based on sellection, proximity, freshness and prices; not religon because if religon is the main criteria people can reject it if they do not feel comfortable with a particular faith.

    I get the feeling your trying to help this guy by driving some biz his way, but i am not convinced you are doing your pal a favor by listing his race and religon.

    Imagin if you will how you would feel if someone told you to vote for Mitt Romney because he was white and a Morman. Not very convincing, is it.

    Wait a minute! Mr. Hooks is NOT a Muslim.

    What are you TALKING about?

    If you had watched the video, sir [[or maam), you would know that Mr. Hooks is not a Muslim.

    Again, you're here trying to pass judgment on this, but you didn't even read the information, and you didn't even watch the video OBVIOUSLY.

    I mean, really.

    How are you making a judgment about this, and you haven't even looked thoroughly into it?

    If you had watched the first ten minutes of that video, it would be crystal clear that Mr. Hooks is NOT a Muslim.

    But see, the thing is, you don't even care enough to watch it. You're so filled with hatred and negativity towards something positive in the community, that you don't even care to watch it.

    You would just rather sit at home on your computer, typing false, negative things about something that you really can't find anything negative about.

    The only way someone can find something negative about this is if they're doing what you all are doing right now -

    Which is, in essence, being "bigoted".

    You think you already know, so you refuse to look at it. But every statement you make shows that you have no idea what you're talking about.

    I mean, you just said that Mr. Hooks is a Muslim. Where does anything on here say that Mr. Hooks is a Muslim?

    Where in the video did Mr. Hooks say that he was a Muslim?

    The answer to both questions is NOWHERE.

    So why are you here slandering that man?

    You hate to see anything positive in the city of Detroit, so much so that you will sit here and slander anyone that's trying to do something positive.

    And then you wonder why the city is in the shape it's in? The city is like it is because of people like YOU.

    I mean, you're trying to pass judgment on me, and all of your facts are wrong.

    So how are you making a judgment about something that you won't even give the time of day, to look into it, and to check it out?

  19. #19
    CalvinJam Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by antongast View Post
    Obviously anyone is free to patronize or not patronize any business they choose for whatever reason they want, but I don't get why you're calling it equal. There's one black-owned grocery store in Detroit. One. There's a fair argument to be made that Detroit doesn't have enough black-owned grocery stores, and if you're a proponent of that argument then it makes sense to support the one existing black-owned store with your dollars. If you're making the argument that Detroit has too many black-owned grocery stores, and therefore you go out of your way not to spend money at Metro Foodland, then you're just being a dick.


    We agree. I mean, like you said: There is ONE black owned grocery store in the city of Detroit - and the city is predominantly BLACK!

    I mean, it's common knowledge that unemployment among Black people is much higher than the national average.

    The national unemployment rate is 8.2%. The national unemployment rate for Black people is approximately 15%.

    That's reality. So what could possibly be wrong with calling attention to that fact, and trying to change it?

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by CalvinJam View Post
    I mean, you just said that Mr. Hooks is a Muslim.
    No he didn't.

    But c'mon, 'Nation of Islam' is all over the advertising you posted.

    And YOU are the one who made race a factor in your post.

  21. #21
    CalvinJam Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    No he didn't.

    But c'mon, 'Nation of Islam' is all over the advertising you posted.

    And YOU are the one who made race a factor in your post.

    Okay, the heading at the top says "New Nation of Islam".

    So if the New Nation of Islam decides that they want to support the lone existing Black owned supermarket in a predominantly Black city, there's something wrong with that?

    You say I made race a factor. I didn't make race any type of factor. Race was a factor long before I was ever born.

    I mean, you want me to apologize for saying that this is the ONLY BLACK OWNED SUPERMARKET IN DETROIT, MICHIGAN.

    You want me to apologize for saying that, but it's a FACT.

    I mean, don't take my word for it. A quick google search will prove that what I just stated is true.

    So why do you have a problem with me saying it?

    I mean, it's not like I told a lie or something.

    You're jumping my throat because I made a TRUE statement.

    I wish you would have this much concern when false statements are made, such as the false statement that you yourself made calling that man a Muslim.

    That man never said he was a Muslim, but here you are, essentially, lying on him.

  22. #22


    Calvin,'you are being too thin skinned and seeing insults that don't exist.

    I don't care if the guy is muslim or not. I don't care. Really. It would not make me sbop there if he was or wasn't and it shouldn't matter to you either.

    Likewise i don't care about the color of his skin. I care about the color of his vegitables. And that sbould be the only thing that matters to you.

    So, you thinkin a out ol' Mitt in November? He's pretty white you know, and he's a Mormon.

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by CalvinJam View Post
    It's not relevant. If it's a good, clean, safe store with fresh product at good prices, I don't care if little green men from Mars own it.

  24. #24
    CalvinJam Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    Calvin,'you are being too thin skinned and seeing insults that don't exist.

    I don't care if the guy is muslim or not. I don't care. Really. It would not make me sbop there if he was or wasn't and it shouldn't matter to you either.

    Likewise i don't care about the color of his skin. I care about the color of his vegitables. And that sbould be the only thing that matters to you.

    So, you thinkin a out ol' Mitt in November? He's pretty white you know, and he's a Mormon.

    Gnome, wait a minute. Now you're telling me that I'm being "thinskinned" and "seeing insults that don't really exist."

    Then you want to turn around and tell me that you don't care if someone is a Muslim or not.

    Yes you do. I know you do, because YOU brought that up. You made this statement:

    "I get the feeling your trying to help this guy by driving some biz his way, but i am not convinced you are doing your pal a favor by listing his race and religon."

    I didn't interject any type of religion into this. You brought that up.

    Nothing in my post lists that man's religion.

    So what are you talking about?

    I mean, the New Nation of Islam is the organization that aired the broadcast that Mr. Hooks was interviewed on.

    So THEREFORE, the header says "New Nation of Islam".

    That's the equivalent of the Detroit Free Press airing an interview with Monica Conyers [[just to pull a name out of a hat). That doesn't mean that Monica Conyers is affiliated with the Detroit Free Press. That simply means that they are the outlet and medium that interviewed her, genius.

    So again, religious beliefs were never brought up in that post, or in that video.

    So what are you talking about?

    You want to say that I'm being "thin-skinned".

    Oh, so when you come and lie on the man, if I correct your lie, I'm being thin-skinned, huh?

    I should let you falsely say that the man is a Muslim, when he is not?

    So you can lie on the man, and that's okay.

    But if I point out that you lied, then something is wrong with me for pointing it out? I'm thin-skinned for pointing out the fact that you told a lie?

    Man, what are you talking about?

  25. #25
    CalvinJam Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    It's not relevant. If it's a good, clean, safe store with fresh product at good prices, I don't care if little green men from Mars own it.

    So the fact that unemployment in the Black community is higher than the unemployment rates in other communities - That shouldn't be relevant to me?

    I shouldn't even care about that? I shouldn't worry about that at all?

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