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  1. #1

    Default Border Patrol Guns Drawn on SB Lodge

    On the Lodge Southbound around 10:15 pm tonight two border patrol SUV's pulled over a van. They had the lights flashing for about a mile before the vehicle stopped. Of course no one on the Lodge would pass the cops even though usually they are driving crazy weaving in and out of traffic for no good reason. The van eventually stopped in the right lane but did not pull over. Then everyone else stopped. I had no choice, the car in front of me came to a dead stop in the center lane of the Lodge right next to this unfolding situation. The second SUV pulled in front of the van to block it and the ICE agent comes out with his gun drawn both hands on the gun pointed at the van. The guy in front of me is still not moving. Thankfully, finally someone in the left lane decided it was better to move on, and I was right behind him, outtta there as fast as I could and on my way to home sweet home. I'm as curious as the next person but I also know what killed the cat. Don't know if this was stupidity, gawking or total petrified fear of cops who are virtually nonexistent on the Lodge but who stops in the center lane of the Lodge while the Border Patrol or the cops are ready to start shooting at any moment?

    And since when does the Border Patrol pull people over on the Southbound Lodge, near Davison, nowhere near the Border?

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Gianni View Post
    The second SUV pulled in front of the van to block it and the ICE agent comes out with his gun drawn both hands on the gun pointed at the van. The guy in front of me is still not moving. Thankfully, finally someone in the left lane decided it was better to move on, and I was right behind him, outtta there as fast as I could and on my way to home sweet home. I'm as curious as the next person but I also know what killed the cat. Don't know if this was stupidity, gawking or total petrified fear of cops who are virtually nonexistent on the Lodge but who stops in the center lane of the Lodge while the Border Patrol or the cops are ready to start shooting at any moment?

    And since when does the Border Patrol pull people over on the Southbound Lodge, near Davison, nowhere near the Border?
    Don't know about this specific incident, but a family member of mine is an ICE agent at a different state. Border patrol jurisdiction is not confined solely to those crossing in and out of the country.

    Human trafficking, illegal substance supply chain are two big responsibilities for ICE agents and Border Patrol. For example, if it's found that a house in Detroit or a resident of Bloomfield Hills is acting as a "safehouse" for drugs coming in through Canada or for women trafficked from Europe, ICE agents will investigate very similar to local law enforcement. Then they will go to federal court to obtain an arrest warrant, etc.

  3. #3


    If I remember rightly, Customs and Border Protection agents have jurisdiction within 50 miles of any US border. I have the impression that they have greater latitude than police officers to pull vehicles over and demand identification without suspicion of wrongdoing, although I'm not clear on this law. I've seen the white-and-green SUV's in only two places: the boat launch park next to Fort Wayne, and cruising the parking lot of a rest area on the Ohio Turnpike. I recall hearing that in the months after 9-11-2001 they stopped a few cars on I-94 between Mt. Clemens and Port Huron, probably largely to demonstrate that they could.

  4. #4


    And since when does the Border Patrol pull people over on the Southbound Lodge, near Davison, nowhere near the Border?
    Why not? They're a Federal Agency just like DEA, ATF and the FBI.

    With DPD in the shape they are and some cooperative agreements taking place, don't be surprised to see any of them in the neighborhoods either.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    Why not? They're a Federal Agency just like DEA, ATF and the FBI.

    With DPD in the shape they are and some cooperative agreements taking place, don't be surprised to see any of them in the neighborhoods either.
    I seem them along I-75 south of Detroit to Toledo more often than I see police.

  6. #6


    The I.C.E. keeping illegal immigrants away from the land of free and home of the brave.

  7. #7


    i heard its 100 miles jurisdiction, and it includes the whole state of michigan.

    hope you got your papers in order.

    i hate it when people rubberneck or stop in roads. its terribly dangerous, especially on any highway. almost got into an accident today because a group of cars did a dead stop ahead of me.
    Last edited by compn; July-13-12 at 07:10 PM.

  8. #8


    That map deserves a link: Are You Living in a Constitution Free Zone?

    [[Tinyurl.com can be used to circumvent the Yankee Underscore Tango censorbot ellipsis.)

  9. #9


    "I seem them along I-75 south of Detroit to Toledo more often than I see police."

    "and cruising the parking lot of a rest area on the Ohio Turnpike"

    This is a well-known human trafficking corridor, and the OT rest areas are also known areas where those forced into prostitution are sent

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