Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1

    Default Ficano's ex-appointees get six figure jobs at detroit water department


    Detroit never ceases to amaze me.

    Lay off cops, firefighters, get rid of core services, then hire Ficano's rejects and pay one person $194,000.00/yr to manage the water department.

    No one has their priorities straight and, unfortunately, the taxpayers are still getting stabbed in the back...in Detroit, it's stabbed in the back more ways than one.

    How can anyone say "you shouldn't be soured against Detroit"? when this stuff goes on right under the noses of it's citizens? In my mind, officials, administrators, the chiefs are flaunting their power.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by cla1945 View Post

    Detroit never ceases to amaze me.

    Lay off cops, firefighters, get rid of core services, then hire Ficano's rejects and pay one person $194,000.00/yr to manage the water department.

    No one has their priorities straight and, unfortunately, the taxpayers are still getting stabbed in the back...in Detroit, it's stabbed in the back more ways than one.

    How can anyone say "you shouldn't be soured against Detroit"? when this stuff goes on right under the noses of it's citizens? In my mind, officials, administrators, the chiefs are flaunting their power.
    Chapter 9 Bankruptcy for Detroit and Wayne County please!!!

    [[Though, at this point, I'm thinking a Detroit bankruptcy would drag Wayne County into bankruptcy court with it anyway).

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by cla1945 View Post

    Detroit never ceases to amaze me.

    Lay off cops, firefighters, get rid of core services, then hire Ficano's rejects and pay one person $194,000.00/yr to manage the water department.

    No one has their priorities straight and, unfortunately, the taxpayers are still getting stabbed in the back...in Detroit, it's stabbed in the back more ways than one.

    How can anyone say "you shouldn't be soured against Detroit"? when this stuff goes on right under the noses of it's citizens? In my mind, officials, administrators, the chiefs are flaunting their power.
    Not only that, a couple of them are still getting pensions from the county while working for the city. Who says life is fair? This is a abomination and slap in the face for any hard working retiree who worked in the private sector and has to settle for a $40,000 a year or less pension. I'm still trying to figure out how Ficano still has a job.
    Last edited by Cincinnati_Kid; July-11-12 at 12:11 AM.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    I'm still trying to figure out how Ficano still has a job.
    Because of the kingdom he has built.
    Walls are starting to crumble around him though, a little at a time.
    His innocent act is getting old

  5. #5


    How does that song go? "Let the party begin?"
    Sounds like the theme song for Bob and his party boys and girls.
    Problem is ... we're paying for the partying!!!!!

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