This is the kind of thing that lets you know how base things are getting! I hope this couple gets donations to help replace what their 'neighbors' stole after fire was set....
'The Sheffields were staying with family to escape the heat during the power outages last week and learned their house burned down on Sunday.
"All the stuff I got from the baby shower, it's just gone," Brittani Sheffield said.
"It's horrible," John Sheffield remarked.
Even more horrible is how the fire started. Next to the house are two empty gas cans Sheffields say don't belong to them. They say a neighbor bragged about starting the fire so he could break in and steal their stuff, and it appears the break in was a community effort.
"One of the neighbors said there were vans like here like while the fire department was here. They didn't even give them the chance to really leave and completely put out the fire. They were here pulling up trucks just taking out stuff," Brittani Sheffield explained.
"We saw our stuff on some of our neighbors' porches. Some of our things that we had used to make our home, they had already taken them. Our washer and dryer was already gone. Anything that was probably salvageable was taken." '