This afternoon, Jian Ghomeshi on the extraordinary interview show Q from the CBC...broadcast on WDET in our market [[thanks guys)...had a segment on a curious syndrome noticed with visitors to Paris who had a tough time reconciling their expectations with the reality they were presented with upon arriving for their visit.
The American author of a story on this phenomena detailed how people arrive in Paris with only the popular culture view of the city, ending up having a wild range of symptoms including hallucinations when the harsh rudeness of the majority of Parisians destroyed their romantic illusions.
We have the opposite situation here...most people's expectations are really, really, really low...due to the popular culture using us as their punchline and punching bag for so long.
What would be possible symptoms of a Detroit Syndrome?!
I used to induce it often, hanging with Jams down at the old Beaubien Street Saloon...then later at Foran's Grand Trunk and The Park Bar. Meet folks from out-of-town, then melt their minds with niceness. I know I am not alone, because we hear it constantly...Detroit may have its troubles, but the people largely are survivors with a soft side for visitors.
Oddly, I occasionally get texts from a few of 'em that I've traded numbers with, at least confirming they've made it to their destinations using my directions. Just to say hello, and they've been jonesing for another visit!
Anyone else? How does Detroit meet up with visitor's expectations?!