Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1

    Default A Cop on Every Corner? Come Downtown for the Fireworks. It's Safe Tonight.

    Beat cops. Remember them?? I'm watching the masses start to assemble for the fireworks in downtown Detroit and suddenly start noticing the police presence. It has a bit of the "cop on every corner" look, as the old saying goes.

    Clifford and Bagley

    Grand Circus Park

    Washington at Bagley

    Times Square / Rosa Parks Terminal.

    And those are just the ones I can see and this is several blocks from the river.

  2. #2
    detroitjim Guest


    OK......What's it been 10 years since the fireworks shooting and no one has been tried for that? How about the woman murdered during the superbowl? OK safe!
    Safe for those that perpetrate crimes in the crowds.

  3. #3


    I read that the state and three counties are chipping in with personnel.

    See? We can do regionalism for the right cause.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by detroitjim View Post
    OK......What's it been 10 years since the fireworks shooting and no one has been tried for that? How about the woman murdered during the superbowl? OK safe!
    Safe for those that perpetrate crimes in the crowds.
    Yeah and in 1763 56 British soldiers got gunned down in Elmwood cemetery by Indians and in 1815 downtown was getting cannonaded from Windsor and don't forget what the Purple Gang did in the twenties down there and...

    I take it all back. Stay at home. Take cover.

  5. #5


    Downtown is covered, how about the rest of the city? How many EMS and Fireman are available?

  6. #6


    Oh PuhLEASE...they have at LEAST ten cops securing the Berry Subdivision alone. I couldn't believe that shit.

    We are at Woodward and Jefferson, and the cops just commandeered a city bus after arresting a bunch of women who were fighting already.

    They had to, because their Paddy Wagon bus was filled with the guys from the melee.

    It is going to be an interesting night.
    Last edited by Gannon; June-25-12 at 06:39 PM.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    Downtown is covered, how about the rest of the city? How many EMS and Fireman are available?
    All the more reason to come downtown. It can't be safe to stay at home.

  8. #8


    Shoulda seen the HazMat guys trying to pitch their tent, too. They were a bit like the Keystone Cops.

  9. #9
    Occurrence Guest


    It has always amazed me how police won't respond to routine 911 calls in the neighborhoods, but yet have the resources to litter downtown for events.

  10. #10


    Best we could tell...a large group got busted for underage drinking. They must've resisted, and the police swept 'em all up and away. Zip-tied them.

    A couple of girls started fighting on the bus...they were taken off...started up again in the street...and the cops ended up putting them in the back of a squad car, with another girl between them. I bet that'll be a fun ride to the precinct. Gonna be some bruised wrists in the morning, those guys weren't foolin' around with those zip ties.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Occurrence View Post
    It has always amazed me how police won't respond to routine 911 calls in the neighborhoods, but yet have the resources to litter downtown for events.
    That's what I said to the woman beside me on the bus comin' down. I already knew the entrance streets to the Berry Sub were shut down...having driven by an hour earlier, after dropping off the food and beer for our party.

    TEN cops shutting down the Mayor's neighborhood. I'm sure there are more by the Boogian Mansion. too.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Lowell View Post
    All the more reason to come downtown. It can't be safe to stay at home.
    Funny, Lowell.

  13. #13


    They already have another 20+ kids lines up waiting for the Paddy Wagon bus to come back from dropping off that first load!

  14. #14


    An entire group of 60-75 bicyclists just cruised down Jefferson...THAT was impressive...but the cops stopped them before they got past Hart Plaza.

    There are now roughly forty kids awaiting the Paddy Wagon. They've got a doggie sniffin'...wonder if he's drugs or bombs, from my understanding they can't be both. I'm betting drugs, so somewhere Attorney General Bull Shitte has a hard-on.

  15. #15


    OK, it is only 32...some of them were bystanders waiting with their dates, apparently.

  16. #16


    The parking lots are almost full and the traffic is starting to gridlock. People are thronging downtown WALKING and bringing children with them!! They must all be insane, a mass psychosis, marching to their deaths. Haven't they read this forum? Don't they follow the news? Don't they know what danger awaits them? What do they think they are? Detroiters?

  17. #17


    I went to the Livonia Fireworks last night and they were fantastic! Then we walked home. Wait: Did I say Livonia and walk in the same context? No that can"t be right.

  18. #18


    Of course, I'm working until 10pm in "Fashionable" Ferndale.

    As soon as I can I will be on my way home... I want to see if I can see the fireworks from my living room!

  19. #19


    Been following this all day, and now suddenly am craving an episode or two of Barney Miller. Put Dietrech on it!

  20. #20


    One of the detainees tried to escape! He did a slow jog for half the block, until someone noticed and chased him down. They've got the men all sitting now.

  21. #21


    They finally found a few white folk to nab, too. So far, it have been all black except for one woman.

    Now we've got resistors, this is going to get really weird...

  22. #22


    Oh no, not the state police too! It won't be safe outstate either.

  23. #23


    Over sixty waiting for the bus now...

  24. #24


    Go baa-ack. Don't take the kids too. What's the matter with you folk. Don't you know?

  25. #25


    I'm laughing at the banner ads on the planes.

    First one I saw? Fuckin' Iron Mike the Scrapper.

    Second? Deja Vu strip club.

    We just heard that MOST of these arrests are simply for the curfew.

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