I don't get it. I just don't get it. That has got to be one of the ugliest remodels I've ever seen.
I don't get it. I just don't get it. That has got to be one of the ugliest remodels I've ever seen.
haha. it is cliché but I hope the business is successful.
I can't honestly say wether I like it or not!?
I can definately say it is, err, intersting!!
If the statutes are worth anything, they'll be stolen soon enough.
A statue of David is never ugly
I was expecting a lot worse.
Well that's........special.
Did we as a society just forget what looked good? And
Why did things like buses and buildings look more futuristic and modern 60 years ago than today?
It's not that bad of a design at all. I mean, take away the goofy statuary and the design is pretty solid with nice brickwork and materials.
Has an opening date been announced yet?
I'll agree it's better than the boarded up and graffiti covered building it once was. How much better, well, I'll let others debate that. Either way it's a new business in D-town.
i like it, that shits classy
I do have a feeling the owners stepped back after it was done and said "That shits classy"
Other than the garish statues it looks nice.
Sometimes it is the odd things in a city that draw us to them and they end up becoming a destination point. Perhaps, this will be the case. I hope they shine colored lights on the building behind the restaurant and make it stand out even more. LOL
I think she likes him.
Attachment 14297
what will this restaurant be serving, besides...?
It appears a baby Snapping Turtle has David by the short and curlies.