Automaker is promoting the new Chrysler 300 and the film Dark Knight Rises. I always thought it befitting to associate the city of Detroit with the fictional city of Gotham.|head
Automaker is promoting the new Chrysler 300 and the film Dark Knight Rises. I always thought it befitting to associate the city of Detroit with the fictional city of Gotham.
When I was a little kid, my folks would reward me with Batman comic book 3 packs for good behavior. Each comic was a different storyline with different artists, and "Legend of the Dark Knight" was my favorite. Much darker than the others, the stories were more adult themed and the lines and colors reflected that.
A common backdrop showed Batman diving off of a tall, gothic perch with cathedral like windows. Other scenes had him leaving d-bags sprawled out on steps or by dumpsters in alleys. Or saving women from some rapist in the park.
One day, my dad was on call while watching me and he took me downtown to do some work. When we drove through the Corridor and by the Masonic Temple I had an epiphany.
Detroit was Gotham City! And always has been in my mind ever since...
Last edited by detroitsgwenivere; June-24-12 at 05:55 PM.
Gotham is one of the names given to New York. Do a search on Gotham.|head
Automaker is promoting the new Chrysler 300 and the film Dark Knight Rises. I always thought it befitting to associate the city of Detroit with the fictional city of Gotham.
I always thought about Gotham City as New York with Detroit's crime rate.
NYC, home of Wall Street and other jerks.
Let's take Gotham from them.
Gothom City to me for the last 20 years has been Nashville. Seeing this on my ride into town immediately had me think of the caped crusader, I was amazed to find out I was not the only one who called it batman![[Nashville)
Gotham [[Goat Home) was a small town in England [[Nottinghamshire). Washington Irving two hundred years ago wrote a satire about New York and used the name Gotham for his satirical city. Numerous businesses in New York then used the name Gotham as a synonym for New York in the name of their business [[e.g. Gotham Dry Cleaners) . The Batman creators were looking for a name for their fictional big city and chose that.
I always thought Gotham to be NYC. I don't see any connection between that and Detroit. Maybe you're thinking of the first Crow movie.
"Imported from Auburn Hills" just doesn't have the same ring to it.
Now if there can be some real Chrysler cars made with the batman logo on them... ah..