Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default Ideas for former building sites...

    Today I walked by Cass Tech for the first time since there is a fenced off vacant lot where Cass Tech once stood. Wow...

    While the new building is nice, the old one is obviously never coming back. What should be done with the site?

    I would like to see a small park. Looking at the front of Old Wayne, the buildings blocking it really cut off what would be a pleasant building face from Woodward. Building another building on the old CT site would ruin the new building in a similar visual manner. A small, nice park in the style of a Grand Circus Park, & the many in New York would in my opinion be a nice way to set the front of new Cass Tech visually and be an overall positive for the area.

    In trying to think of an appropriate name I did get a laugh when I thought the most appropriate may be "Old School Park."

    Any other ideas, other than obvious "build something" thoughts?

  2. #2


    Old School Park is appropriate.

    Place a marker which states: On this site such cultural icons, such as, Lily Tomlin, Diana Ross, and Jack White learned here.

    More importantly, iconic teachers taught life long lessons here. One of the more famous ones was Evangeline Lodge Lindbergh, mother of Charles Lindbergh, but most iconic teachers were nameless in history, unless, of coarse you had been taught by them.


    Of coarse, one could start a board with the infamous Cass Alum, starting with Kwame, Christine, Bobby, and the like as well!!!

    Last edited by Detroitej72; June-21-12 at 11:04 PM.

  3. #3


    I wonder why, in the meantime, they won't allow the students to park in that lot, versus forcing them to park across the street in the other lots where they have to pay.

  4. #4


    313... you answer your own wonderment!

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by jtf1972 View Post
    313... you answer your own wonderment!
    So are you saying DPS is in cohorts with the lot owners.

    Those are supposedly privately owned lots, where as DPS owns the land where the old Cass Tech stood.

    As I said, if they're tuly looking out for the students, I don't understand why they won't allow them to park on that land until its developed instead of fencing it off.

  6. #6


    A park would be nice if they can build up the area around it. Parks work best when they are defined by their surroundings and have a sense of enclosure. That's why CM is so great, and will only get better when the Monroe block is filled.

  7. #7


    The original plan for the old Cass Tech site was to put a girls softball field on it. And no, the site is not big enough for a football field and stands. The football field has plenty of room for expansion. There are huge sidewalks behind each end zone. I'm sure the district does not want to spend the money to correct the mistakes that were made. However, they are easy to fix.

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