I was having dinner in SW and cameout to a broken in car with all my family's stuff gone, they took my dirty laundry and my wifes book bag. He bag had her school books and her Ipad...called the detroit police and told them hold I have tracked the Ipad with the GPS tracking divice and they we not interested in coming out to recover it...i mean how much closer to my stuff do I need to be????
Does anyone have any connection with DPD they want to shared before I remote wipe it clear?? I am still inside the first 24hours...by this afternoon I will wipe it to be safe but if I do I will lose the tracking, what to do. I can live without, but those danm college books, half way thru her term, are important...
On a side note...f mexican town! I swear there were security guards all over the lot, nothing. I went to the house[[or the closest house) where the tracking showed up and asked if the negibors saw anybody drop my stuff, they said no...but I found my kids bag on the curb! The resturant did not have any contact with the police, so this will be my last time supporting those businesses.
sorry for the rant. I have lived in this city a long time and have had alot of 'hood tax' but being able to locate your stuff and not be able to get it with out the threat of force is too much stress.
thanks in advance...